18 thoughts on “That Horrible Well-Dressed Mob:

  1. Wordsmith made that video? terrific. I hadn’t been over to his site the last day or two. GOOD one, BZ.
    And REALLY scary to hear Obama say that about those who CREATED THE MESS.
    He honestly feels America’s so screwed up that he needs to change EVERYTHING. He needs to be told he’s dead wrong on that….tweak, improve, but DO NOT ruin America, pal.

  2. Lisa: so, thank you very kindly for visiting, and thank you for taking the time to comment! Please come back to my small, humble point in the Blogosphere.

    Z: sad thing is, he feels compelled to completely take DOWN America so that America fits into his defeatist vision of this nation. THAT is sad but WRONG. And it is NOT her role.


  3. One reason you never saw decent at any of Bush’s town meetings or speeches is that the opposition was not allowed. Opposing views were not allowed, only those that agreed were allowed in, that’s a well known fact.

    Obama however agree with or not, everyone is allowed in, Republican, Conservative, Liberal or Democrat are allowed to say what they want and what is on their minds.

    Reminds me of some blogs on both sides.

    Real Conservatives love a good debate, faux Conservatives do not, and they are intimidated by opposing views.

    A REAL Conservative doesn’t shy from honest in-depth discussion or debate but embraces it.

    I’m NOT concerned about ObamaCare, it’s never going to pass.

  4. Lib Turd Gay STILL hasn’t figured out how to use code…

    What a dumb-ass… LMAO

    Even a dumb ol’ Texas hick redneck like ME can use code Lib Turd Gay… What’s the deal man?? You some kind of uneducated retard?

  5. Thanks for posting, BZ!

    Obama however agree with or not, everyone is allowed in, Republican, Conservative, Liberal or Democrat are allowed to say what they want and what is on their minds.

    Ranando, how about Obama’s townhall meeting today? Was everyone allowed in?

  6. Ranando, I am from New Hampshire and I can tell you, the one in Portsmouth WAS NOT NOT NOT open to all. The audience was selected and the questions were extremely tame. I wouldn’t waste my time going to listen to his bullshit, but I had many friends who tried. So, unless you were there, don’t shoot the shit hoping it will stick, cause it won’t!

  7. AA,

    It wasn’t because they were Conservative. There were many there opposing Obama.

    Maybe the event was full. Maybe the fire marshall said that was enough, no more.

    As always you missed my point.

  8. LD just can’t figure out the difference between HTML and BBCode.

    But he really reads a lot!


    Just, you know, nothing useful or technical… but he knows how to copy and paste talking points from others really well… and all that coding stuff is just too complicated for someone so sophisticated. So from now on I will ignore someone who complains about how ill-read others are and yet cannot figure out the difference between BBCode and HTML and yet criticizes others for not reading enough.

  9. Excellent video! I ’bout fell out of my chair when I saw “Frau Blucher”. All I could think of was San Fran Nan, and the giggles just wouldn’t stop.

    B Woodman

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