5 thoughts on “Daring To Speak The Truth. . .

  1. I would say he is brave and truthful only reiterating what Bill Cosby has been saying for years. But I doubt he is their last hope as he said, that I found arrogant. But maybe arrogant is what these people need to wake up and realize no one can build them up but themselves instead of expecting had outs, affirmative action and Obama’s promise of reparations.

    Great find BZ.

  2. I admire anyone who can go out of the box like this…great guy.
    Just to be honest enough about affirmative action touches my heart!
    Bill Cosby might have been saying some of this, but you see him on Larry King and he still blames US for the troubles of Black America. Always disappoints me SO much.

  3. Maybe it’s okay to be a bit arrogant if you have something to be arrogant about. The man is right! To me that’s all that counts. It’s arrogant people like Obama who haven’t earned the right to be arrogant that really ticks me off.

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