Seven Warning Signs for Obama

Glenn Thrush from has noted the Seven Warning Signs for Barack Obama, as he wrote on the blog and discussed on a recent Dennis Miller Show.
In a nutshell (please read the entire article), Mr. Thrush lists as topics:
1. Race
2. State of Virginia
3. State of Michigan
4. Bad times could be good for McCain
5. The “independent” or Barr Factor
6. The Legacy of LBJ, Jimmy and Bubba.
7. Americans may want divided government
As many have already observed, as I did some time ago, Barack Hussein Obama is quite accomplished in front of a TelePrompTer but lacks much extemporaneous facility. He has a miniscule amount of experience (how sad is it when Texas Demorat Senator Kirk Watson couldn’t even name ONE of Obama’s senatorial “accomplishments” when interviewed by Chris Matthews on Hardball?). He is already way over his head on the campaign trail, much less introducing his slender gluteals into the leather chair of the Oval Office.
Most of all, his Left leaning manner is a guarantee of a national crash. He is in fact, most dangerous. And naive. And ignorant.
An Obama presidency is not, despite every effort from the DEM/MSM, a “given.”
I still go back to Mr. Helms, my high school PoliSci teacher’s comment: “Democrats don’t win elections; Republicans lose them.”
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