The Drill Vote

The Demorats — you have to admire their cohesion.

They have managed, due to their power, to put off a coastal drill vote — absent Bush’s rescission of a prior Executive Order in 1990 by his father, prohibiting such — and now will be taking their recess, again putting off said vote.

Two reasons, and you place their priority:

  • Because to Speaker Pelosi, this literally is the line in the sand;
  • In order to shield Obama, as a Senator and, moreover, The Anointed PrezzyCandy, from being seen to cast an obvious NO vote on drilling.

Think about it.

Why can’t the GOP be as cohesive? Moreover, why could they have not been so when the power was theirs to wield?


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5 thoughts on “The Drill Vote

  1. Shop, there’s *public* out there that thinks Obama is the Saviour Incarnate…

    People are basically stupid, we see it every day, just look at the Obama supporters, there’s ALL the proof ya need..

    And the Conservative side of politics isn’t any better, we’ve GWB for almost 8 years and he IS a disaster, and IF McLame wins in November it will be because he names a dynamic VP choice, it damn sure won’t be because McLame is anything to write home about…

    Not blasting you Shop, don’t think I am, I’m just disgusted with he pandering, the lies, the hypocrisy and the all around bullshit from ALL partied concerned…

  2. Meanwhile, the rooskies are drilling off of our shores to the north, and the Cubans and Chinese are drilling off of our shores to the south…I guess the pinko liberals don’t have a problem with drilling off of our coasts when other countries do it.

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