My First Video Post:

. . . because I absolutely howled out loud when I saw this!


And also because I only now figured out how to post a video. Hope you can view it. Please let me know if it played for you or not.

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12 thoughts on “My First Video Post:

  1. Our computer is NOT playing video without stopping every five seconds! I can’t even watch the Rush Ditto cam!! I need to call our cable company.

  2. This is wrong.

    Wrong, and twisted.

    Sick, twisted, wrong, and immoral.

    Sick, twisted, wrong, immoral, and funnier than all get out besides being right on the mark.

  3. 05 23 08

    Hey BZ:
    Yes, the video stopped a coupla times, but played. It was funny. Now that is my type of humor; equally scathing and REALISTIC towards both sides of the spectrum. Hope all is well:)

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