5 thoughts on “Veteran’s Day

  1. God bless them indeed!! I am preparing my Veteran’s Day post right now and knew you’d have something up too. I love that last pic. I snagged it a long time ago and I keep waiting for the right post to put it on. It definitely works here ;-)!!

  2. My favorite poster is the “We re in this war” one…

    I’m REAL glad the liberal idiots we have these days were not around in 1941, if they were we would still be speaking Jap or German.

  3. Superb pictures for Veteran’s Day. Wow.

    I believe every conservative in America will want to support the candidacy of Lt. Col. William Russell (USA, Ret) who is running hard against John Murtha. Russell is a veteran of Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom. Please visit his web site to find out how you can help — even if you don’t live in PA. He’s at: http://williamrussellforcongress.com.

    Steve Maloney
    Ambridge, PA
    http://camp2008victorya.blogspot.com (On my own site, I’ve been putting up pictures from Iraq that show a much different version of that country — and American soldiers — than the one you’ll see and hear on the MSM). Thanks to all of you.

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