Adam The Cat

I’m tired of bad news; how about some uplifting news (thanks Dave!) for a change? From The Press Democrat (Sonoma and Santa Rosa, CA):

Burned cat finds permanent home

It won’t feel any different to Adam the cat, but from this day forward, Sonoma County’s most famous cat has a permanent home.

It’s the same house in which he rested each night under the watchful eye of his nurse, Tina Wright, of Animal Hospital of Cotati.

The little black cat is well enough after five months of surgeries and skin grafts to be officially adopted.

“I gave it a lot of thought because I have other pets, but what I realized is that he has bonded so strongly to me, I just didn’t want to break that bond,” said Wright, who will adopt the cat.

The cat was found in a cage on June 21, severely burned over 45 percent of his body, on the banks of Paulin Creek in Santa Rosa’s Apple Valley neighborhood. Two teenaged girls were arrested in connection with the crime. (How heinous can this be?! Any of my readers care to donate a cup of gas for some select girls?)

The little cat lost his tail, the tops of his ears and most of the muscle mass on his back and garnered fans around the globe for his fighting spirit.

Even as good wishes continue to arrive for his recovery, his life will now gravitate away from the hospital setting and more toward settling into his home.

At seven months old, Adam may look a bit on the small side, but the folks at Forgotten Felines are expecting him to live a long and happy life. A $40,000 medical fund, built from donations, paid for his care and will continue to pay for any future medical care.

I was ready for a story with a happy ending. And Adam has his own video; go here.


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9 thoughts on “Adam The Cat

  1. I too am a “dog” person, but that poor little dear, I am so glad he will have a better life now.

    People that inflict pain on defenseless animals to me are second only to people who inflict pain on defenseless kids.

    Nothing but the death penalty will do.

  2. BZ,

    I see from your profile that you’ve
    enjoyed the High Sierras! Years ago, the wife & I loved fishing the
    Eastern Slopes, from Tom’s Place, Crowley, McGee Creek, June Loop, Mammoth, and the Upper Lakes. Many fond memories there!

    History: Check Raymond Kraft’s History Post, July 4th, 2006, a must read, WWII. Kraft is a fine lawyer from Northern California.

    Your comments on any post are welcomed.


    To a Dog, You Are Family…
    To a cat, you’re just Staff! reb

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