
Perhaps it would be intemperate of me, but I would suggest the following solution regards my Secretary of State Condi Rice’s recent crossing with a Code Pink Loon:

I find it reprehensible that this bitch wasn’t immediately dumped to the ground, poste haste, with a Tazer, with a 7.62 round to the temple as suggested, or even a righteous FN 5.7 X 28mm handgun.

Someone needs to be fired for this lack of protection, because I pay tax dollars to protect my Secretary of State, no matter where she goes. Anyone besides me, examining this photo, thinking: Condi has nerves of steel?
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17 thoughts on “Intemperate

  1. Anybody running up to me and trying to put their hands in that position around my head is going to get one big surprise. (I like my neck in it’s present, intact condition) I’m surprised Dr. Rice didn’t knock the goofy bitch to the ground herself.

  2. Condi just didn’t want to show-off her Rovian Kung-fu Vader-punch in public, not while she was peering into the vacant mental husk of her opponent’s decayed brain.

  3. P.S. ‘Tis I, Deborah Aylward (Veritas et Fidelis Semper), but am now using my blog pseudonym. Please enjoy your Halloween and I hope that you’re all safe from the threat of the fires.

  4. Shoprat

    A lady is someone You would enjoy a nice dinner and conversation with, or would at least graciously open a door for. so, look at the picture and tell me what ya think? LADY? NOT!

  5. As you saw in my post I was very alarmed at how close this chick got to Condi. Yet, last night I saw the video of it and the secret service nearly ran over a Congresswoman getting to her. It was very quick. It is amazing people got so many pics of it before the security got to her.

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