Bushwack, under his newly-revamped blog American and Proud, has a wonderful post about the clear and significant contrast between the USS Ronald Reagan, CVN 76, and the USS William Jefferson Clinton, CVS1. Please check out the post and note the historical, mechanical and operational differences. Bravo, Bushwack!
In keeping with this theme, I should like to submit my views of our future military, impacted as it likely shall be if the Democrats are completely in charge of the House, Senate and Presidency. Though these images are indeed disturbing and not for the faint of heart, please note: no Republican bytes were harmed in the creation of this post.
To wit:
I get the general theme, and fear you are totally correct. They will continue on the path of dismantling the military, and the worry is gonna be about who fills the vacuum.
ABF: I think you get it completely. Nature always abhors any vacuum and there will be those rushing in to either fill the missing and weakened military with fluff or to fill the shoes of the US with THEIR form of force. There will also be, naturally, the rush of those awaiting the chance to further compromise us from without and, more importantly, from within.
Those pictures are funny but the reality of what will happen if the Dems get their way certainly isn’t. Let’s hope we can keep them from getting there way!
I’m off to visit Shoprat. Thanks. 🙂
‘scuse me… I meant “Bushwhack”! It’s late and I’m tired, but I’ll visit him first and then I think I’d better turn it! 🙂
Did Bushwhack change over to Beta Blogger? I tried to leave a comment there three times and was kicked out every time I tried to post.
Anyway, it’s funny!
Thanks, Gayle!!