12 thoughts on “First John, Then Samuel, Then:

  1. Condi’s not running and I think she’s pretty happy where she’s at now. As for the Left’s “worst nightmare”, my pick would be Bush getting an amendment changed on term limits AND winning a 3rd term!

  2. Grey Ghost: hey, welcome aboard! And yeah, you’re Worst Nightmare trumps my WN, I think. Conceded.

    I don’t know — I kinda still have this hope that, one day, with enough effort, she might, just, maybe, be c-o-n-v-i-n-c-e-d.

  3. Are we smart enough to elect an intelligent black woman to office?

    I would certainly hope so. She is a much much much better choice than that other woman that would give up her best girlfriend for the office of President.

  4. Sandy: Likewise, welcome aboard! I would hope we ARE sufficiently confident as a nation to elect a black woman. I would submit: if we can convince her to run, she would be a formidable, formidable opponent. Let the Left try to place her on the DEM media guillotine and see if they don’t bleed voters to the Right.

    And Wordsmith: yes, a “non-blueblood” NOT from the northeast — a point well worth noting.

  5. 02 02 06

    Hey Blo Zep: Since I am a fan of hers, I will make one correction. Her family was deeply involved in academics and her father was a big shot in her community. From where I stand, that is privilage to education that most Blacks in her generation didn’t have access to. She is brilliant! I must admit though, her voice sounds shaky. If she runs for political office, she needs to work on her tonal quality. Just my thoughts:)

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