The Border Issue As Per Karl Rove

For whatever reason, Blogger locked up on me this morning and I wasn’t able to post, until now, because my Day Job got, again, in the way. Dammit Jim!!

I am now safely ensconced within my Sierra Nevada Mountain aerie, some candles burning, a nice fire in the stove well-stoked. Mose the Cat is sleeping on his fleece-lined chair.

Since then, I’ve changed topics and would like you to examine the conversation between Karl Rove and Hugh Hewitt, later played on Hewitt’s radio show this afternoon.

This exchange involves the current border problems and Hewitt goes to the core:

HH: Last question, a political one, a time bomb, really, for the Republican Party concerns the border. The House of Representatives passed an act at the end of last year. It hasn’t yet come up in the Senate. What is your advice to the Senate about the House’s decision to crack down on the border and build the fence?

KR: Well, we support the border security initiative. We are a little bit concerned about the fence. I mean, look. There are now parts of the border, particularly in urban areas, where a fence is necessary and helpful. Frankly, building a fence along a 400 mile part of the Texas border that is high cliffs along the Rio Grande River is probably not the best expenditure of our money. We like to think of the concept of a virtual fence, where we use a combination of fences, barriers at critical points, sensors and technology to in essence strengthen the border. And I’m confident that the Senate is going to take this up. I know this is a strong concern to Senator Frist, the Senate Republican leader. I think the Senate is likely to tackle the issue in a more comprehensive fashion, and not only look at border security, but also look at the issue of a guest worker program as a way to relieve the pressure on our border, so that whatever technology and manpower and resources we’ve got on the border are concentrated on the border, with fewer people trying to come across because we have got a program to match willing worker with willing employer for jobs that Americans won’t do. But we’ll see. They’re going to try and take this up, I think, in March. We’re doing a lot more on the border.

HH: When people say guest worker means amnesty, what’s your response.

KR: That it doesn’t, because what we do is require people to come here to the United States, if they want to come here to the United States, they’ve got to apply. They’ve got to be matched up with a job. They can stay here for a certain number of years to work, three years or four years. They might be able to renew that for one time. Look, most people who come here, every bit of evidence that we’ve got, is that most people who come here don’t come here with the expectation that they’re going to spend the rest of their life in the United States. They come here in order to get together a grub steak, and go home and support their family. For example, the average capitalization of a business in Mexico is $5,000. Most, particularly younger workers who come here, they’re hope and expectation is I’m going to be able to put together a couple of thousand dollars, and maybe go back and buy some land, or buy a tractor that we can use on the land my family owns, or I’ll buy the little gas station at the corner, or I’ll open up a shop, or I’ll gain a skill to make it in life. But we are so good at once they get here, making it difficult for them to go home, that they lose all connections with their home community or home nation. And after ten years of being here in the underground economy, they wake up and way you know what? It doesn’t matter to me anymore. I have no connection. What we need to do is have a program where we have rigorous defense of the borders, but workers who come here are allowed to travel back and forth across the border freely, so they can keep those connections, build that little nest egg, and go home. And you know, our economy depends upon immigrants. We are a nation of immigrants. We’re an economy that benefits when smart people and bright people and energetic people come here. And we’ve got to find the right mix in order to keep that balance.


In my opinion these are Nice Words.

But they still don’t cut it.


I don’t usually go Dark Side.

But my dark side is out now.

People need to be shot. Not Americans. Mexicans. Whether they are drug smugglers or Mexican Federales or Mexican soldiers, I care not. They just need to be shot.

And let’s throw in some deaths for good measure. There need to be some Mexican deaths.

Any Mexican nationals, civilian or military, dealing in drugs or smuggling, who place the first few molecules of a philange over the border onto sovereign American soil need to be shot. And oh. If they get killed in the process, tough sh**.

In my opinion, the gloves are off. Let’s go bare knuckles and see who wins.

La Raza and Aztlan: bite me.

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5 thoughts on “The Border Issue As Per Karl Rove

  1. Most land owners on the Texas/Mexico border have a variety of SHTF weapons. The reason they seldom use them is that they would be outgunned by the Mexican army who is doing the smuggling. Our borders are way overdue for a large military presence. Some folks say the illegal immigration problem is too big to handle. I think we could handle it inside of 30 minutes.

  2. BWH: La Mordida is so terribly inculcated in the culture of Mexico that the Smugglers ARE the Government, and the Government is the Smugglers.

    This is larger problem than even conservative Republicans think. And its purvey is WAY beyond the conception of the Dems.

    The only solution, in my estimation, rests with the military OR local forces armed with fully automatic weapons — and lots of ammunition.

    Zane: isn’t, really, it sad that we even have to write about going here?

  3. My father had a small ranch in a farm communtiy outside of Modesto. I remember very vividly of being passed by 3 avocado green vans who pulled alongside the road near an almond orchard. I saw about 40 people JUMP off the top of their ladders from up in the treetops and run through the fields with immigration officials in pursuit.

    They are not bringing pinatas and ponchos through the tunnels to sell on the streets. THEY ARE BRINGING DRUGS!

    Now we are giving them maps, free health care and drivers licenses (a form of government ID)?

    I don’t neccesarily agree with them being shot… but a little puff of sand bieng kicked up infront of them from an AR-15 might send a message to wait your turn through the legal proccess like everyone else.

  4. There are MANY of us that would gladly take up arms and close the border, IF GWB would allow it…

    This is exactly what the National Guard is geared to and will not violate Posse Comitatus…

  5. Here’s what we need from GWB:

    The authority, pushed from the top down, given to local law enforcement, the USBP and, if necessary, the military, to FIRE BACK if fired upon, using fully automatic weapons, the SAW, M47 Dragons or M-72 LAWS.

    This is OUR nation, not that of Mexico. Unless they’re absolutely insane, I suspect their military, government-linked drug runners will take pause when we start shipping bodies back in bags instead of simple illegals.

    I cannot begin to imagine what kind of Hell local landowners are suffering in Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, at the hands of heavily armed Mexican smugglers running their wares with tacit government approval.

    And how about the tunnel recently discovered from Tijuana to San Diego?

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