New To the Honorary BloZep Blogroll!

I have been remiss in changing my blogroll as Eddie, once writing as The Conservative’s Conservative, has disppeared from the Blogosphere. As an aside, does anyone know what happened to Eddie?

In any event, I wish to introduce someone most of The Usual Suspects are familiar with anyway — but is relatively new to me and has made a number of remarkably astute comments on my various posts.

Please welcome Matthew Armstrong (writing as Robosquirrel) to my blogroll!

It is an honor to have him aboard! You will find his blog, People Covered In Fish, to be wonderfully written, thoughtful and precisely crafted. Not afraid to pitch multisyllabic words, Matthew defines his piece of the digital domain as:

In this here space, I bloviate about things that vex me. I’m a naval officer, husband, father and libertarian (note the small “L”). I dabbled enough in journalism to see its dark side. I drink too much coffee and have plastic dinosaurs sitting on top of my computer screen.

Posting all the way from the Right Coast in Newport, Rhode Island, his blog is a literal feast for the eyes and features not only a number of great blogsites (thanks for including me as well, sir!), but webcomic links, and some great reference links!

So go, right now, quick like a bunny, and visit People Covered In Fish!

Excellent writing, great visuals, a professionally-crafted blog!

What are you waiting for?


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