11 thoughts on “From the “What I’d Never Want To See Out My Window” Department:

  1. In some ways I wish I’d been able to take it — in many ways I’m glad I’ve never seen it. It came my way from some persons I know back east, so I believe it is accurate and not “PhotoShopped.”

    In any event, it certainly makes for an exciting photo. . .Boeing 737, BTW.

  2. bigquitehat is getting around! If you haven’t been to his blog you should. He’s very good.

    I dropped in here because of a comment you made somewhere (on one of my posts I think)that you drive 70 some odd miles to work every day and you live in the Sierra Nevadas. And it’s getting ready to snow.

    Hope you are careful with that. I used to live in Virginia City back in the 50’s. My parents worked in Reno. One day while driving down the mountain to work in a snowstorm with cars following the tail lights of the car in front of them, about five cars just drove over the side of a very long and deadly drop. No one survived. My parents fortunately stopped before they went over.

  3. Gayle: I made Big White Hat one of my very first links on my blogroll — his site and, in particular, his WRITINGS are GREAT!

    Regarding driving in the snow: I have a Subaru Outback Sport AWD and it does wonderfully in the snow and rain. Every winter, though, I watch all the stupid people pass me on I-80 and, invariably, I watch their SUVs and pickups make 360-degree spins into other vehicles.

    I laugh mightily as I pass these folks in their Escalades, thinking they were invincible.

    Every summer, on I-80, I know there will be two or three truck/trailer fires from truckers overusing their brakes; I know there will be an RV burned to the hubs from gas leaks.

    Every winter I know at least one truck will punch through the guardrail into the surrounding pines, and 3 or more SUVs and pickups will flip attempting to negotiate corners too fast.

    As John Wayne is credited for saying: “Life is tough. It’s tougher if you’re stupid.”

  4. BloZep, LMAO is laughing my ass off.

    Y’all are building me up to be more than I am. I’m just a kid from Odessa who got tired of watching the papers over edit my columns.

  5. Looks like some macaroon didn’t click the Dzus fittings on the cowling.
    Or a bird strike? Yup. I wouldn’t want to see that sight out of the canopy or window. The saving grace is there are no flames.

    I love Wayne quotes as well.

    “Lawbook no good out here, Pilgrim”
    –Liberty Valence —

    “Never apologize, Mr. Bittle. It’s a sign of weakness” — She Wore a Yellow Ribbon

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