A Heaping Helping of Class: Good Comes From Bad

On Saturday, October 22nd, Modesto, California resident Diane Chandler discovered the Marine flag hung outside the Chandler home, to honor her son in Iraq, had disappeared. She was very angry. Who would steal a USMC flag from the very front of an American’s home? How low can you sink? From the Modesto Bee:

Tuesday, she found the Marine Corps flag she had hung to honor her son Jeff, who is serving near Baghdad, Iraq. The banner had been missing since Saturday morning.

But Chandler no longer wants the flag back. She wants it to stay right where it is: Decorating the grave of Marine Cpl. Michael D. Anderson Jr., who was killed in action in Iraq last year.

Michael D. Anderson Sr. and his wife, Angela, discovered the flag on Michael Jr.’s grave Sunday at Lakewood Memorial Park in Hughson.

“We put fresh flowers on Michael’s grave every week,” Anderson said. “We just thought it was a nice touch.”

The 11-inch-by-14-inch flag rests in front of the Anderson headstone. Two potted flowers, a surfer Bratz doll and replica dog tags rest on top of the marker.

Chandler, the Andersons and a Marine comrade of Mike Jr.’s, Terry Van Doorn, gathered at the grave Tuesday afternoon and marveled about the coincidences that brought them together.

Angela Anderson had taken The Bee to work Tuesday and saved it to read on her morning break. A story about a Marine mother caught her attention. “I called my husband and told him I thought the flag on Michael’s grave was the one in the story that (Diane) was looking for.”

Anderson agreed but could not find Chandler’s name in the phone book. So his wife hopped in her car and drove down Bowen Avenue looking for the makeshift sign that was shown in the newspaper. It closed with a “Shame on You!” exclamation.

She found the home and knocked on the door. She explained why she was there, and Chandler invited her in.

Angela Anderson’s description was a match for Chandler’s missing flag.

Tuesday, at young Anderson’s grave, Chandler said she’ll never move the flag. “It’s right where it belongs, honoring a Marine.”

Michael Anderson Sr. isn’t sure who brought the flag to stand beside his son’s grave. He does know how he’d feel if someone had stolen any of his Marine keepsakes: “It would be just awful. I’d be out there with my rifles trying to hunt the dogs down.”

The Andersons had every intention of returning the flag, but Chandler won’t consider it. Angela Anderson, looking at the grave, said, “Good can come from something bad.”

The Andersons are unofficially adopting Jeff Chandler and are preparing to mail him care packages in Iraq.

“I know what the boys over there need and want,” Michael Anderson said.

The worst Chandler will say now about the culprit who copped her Marine banner is that it was “a misguided patriot. If they would have asked, I would have given it to them.”

In Chandler’s long view, she didn’t lose a flag. She gained some lifetime friends.

There are right things are there are wrong things. There are times to consider the greater good. Diane Chandler did the right thing. And as a result ended up honoring a fallen Marine, honoring her son and the family name, and embracing another Marine family for life.

With all else occurring in the world, it is good to read about heartening things. God Bless America.

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