4 thoughts on “Obama’s Friday Executive Order: young illegals can stay

  1. This poltroon and his ilk never stop. Take a legitimate humanitarian issue and then twist and pervert it to achieve some other goal, or goals. He is a true back door man.

    Under 30? Bullshit! Under 16, 14? Maybe you didn’t have a choice. Over 16? You got your sorry self here and you can get your sorry ass back where you came from.

  2. Felon voting rights is next.
    H.R. 3335 has been kicking around for a while.
    “An estimated 5,300,000 Americans, or about 1 in 41 adults, currently cannot vote as a result of a felony conviction.”
    I look for legislation towards this by state and would not rule out the potential for this to be an October surprise Executive Order.

  3. Permits issued only after the Parents of the kids self-surrender.

    Parents return at a later date, permit cancelled forever.

    Plus a fine of five thousand dollars each for the illegal relatives.


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