Thanksgiving, November 24th of 2011

This Norman Rockwell painting, entitled “Freedom From Want,” first appeared in the Saturday Evening Post on March 6th of 1943. It was one of Mr Rockwell’s Four Freedoms paintings. [The other three noted are Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship and Freedom from Fear.]

The original oil on canvas painting, 45.75 x 35.5 inches, is housed in the Norman Rockwell Museum of Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

This painting (and the other three) was intended to inspire patriotism during WWII.

However, according to Wikipedia, “outside of the United States, this image is perceived as a depiction of American overabundance.[4]

Perhaps I might ask in closing: are any of you having to deal with so-called “overabundance?”

I, myself, am not.

Happy Thanksgiving to my readers.

Frankly, here, I am thankful for you.


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13 thoughts on “Thanksgiving, November 24th of 2011

  1. A Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours too BZ… The wife works nights, sleeps days and tomorrow is just another day..

    My Son and his wife and kids are in New York, both the girls are in south Louisiana and so, it’s me and the better half, when she wakes up we’ll have OUR dinner and just be thankful for each other…

  2. To whom we may thank for these freedoms.
    It is not the Hollywood pretend elite.
    It is not the writers, nor editors of news media.
    It is not the bare-foot gimmee crowd hippies.
    It is not the lawyer control freaks of congress.
    It’s the American soldier.

    Enjoy your day, BZ.
    Eat well, sleep well, we have rough men helping us.

  3. Nope, no over abundance here either. Just a simple Thanksgiving dinner. I only baked one pecan pie.

    Remember our troops and pray for them.

    Happy Thanksgiving, BZ. God bless you.

  4. Overabundance?
    You bet.
    The very poorest in this country are rich and the rest of the world knows it. They think we are all soft, whiny, and weak, and it’s getting harder and harder to argue with them while keeping a straight face.

    I’m twenty+ pounds overweight. Before starting my (time-and-a-half) work shift tonight I ate a meal that won’t do anything but add to that avoirdupois.
    For now, we still have the best health care system in the world. Our military is incomparable. Our public servants are the least corrupt in the world. Our electric grid, telephones, and other infrastructure are damn good.

    Any of you need help putting a roof over your head, fire in the hearth, food in the pantry, or water at the tap, let me know. A check will be on the way.

    Am I frightened by the future?
    Geographically, would I want to be anywhere else in the world?

    From the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans, white with foam…
    God Bless America.

  5. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    I am so thankful for everything.

    We will be having Thanksgiving with friends on Saturday and have family here on Sunday. Hubby worked 24 hours today, I spent the day clearing away wet leaves (after 3 days of rain), cleaning, washing, …)
    Right Truth

  6. I give thanks for just still being alive.
    Had my share thru the years to have lived a very,very short life.

    But alas, I’m still here kicking for a few more of them.

    BZ, Your posts over these years have always been poignant, and thought provoking.
    Your command of the English language would bring tears and smiles to any College English professor.

    Let me know if you also saw the movie “Fahrenheit 451”.

    Another thought provoker.

    You and your wife enjoy the turkey and dressing on your day off.
    And thank you for being the sheepdog whilst I dine in the corner with a wall behind my back.

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