Herman Cain: Not Ready For Prime Time

Stick a fork in it; Mr Cain’s campaign is now officially moribund.

I tried to give him every chance. But, as with most candidates, their mortal wounds are predominantly self-inflicted.

The above video is from an editorial interview with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel on Monday the 14th.

Also covered here by The Washington Post.

And the MJ-S blog here.

As a presidential candidate, when you chalk up the rambling and disjointed answer of a media question to fatigue, the first question rationally asked should be: so how will this man react when he does receive the proverbial 2 am crisis phone call in the White House?

Watch the video, read the articles, and draw your own conclusion.


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8 thoughts on “Herman Cain: Not Ready For Prime Time

  1. WSF: granted. But I agree with the possibility of Gingrich. Perry flat pissed me off by calling me heartless, Romney is an empty suit with good hair, Ron Paul is — well — Ron Paul. Bachmann is background. And Cain is simply nothing more than, now, burnt toast.


  2. Okay, he has made some errors, but who hasn’t? I still think his campaign can be salvaged. The media has been brutal and he still keeps on going, I admire his tenacity.

    At this point, he is still my choice, but Newt is definitely my alternate.

  3. I gotta tell you, Leticia, Mr Cain’s lack of global knowledge or situational awareness regarding the actual political portion of a campaign has left me tepid. I don’t much care about the sexual harassment allegations; the timing of it, if nothing else, shoots up a huge red flag for me. He was a CEO, he has a wife, he’s worth, personally, a lot of dollars. Had those things some serious credence he would already have been sued several times over.

    That said, his response was like that recently of Pelosi when caught with making insider trading purchases: it’s false just because I say so. Move on.

    It took Cain too darned long to respond and his response was damned near as arrogant, initially, as Pelosi. Big mistake.

    He’s just not ready for POLITICAL Prime Time.


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