And this question posed in terms of the Demorats having a Supermajority in both the House and Senate for Mr Obama’s first two years — as well as total control of the White House during that time and now.
First and foremost, Mr Obama truly believes that the way you create jobs is to grow Government. The Private Sector doesn’t provide the Equality — with a capital E — that Mr Obama fundamentally worships.
In Mr Obama’s world, for example, those who transcend towards Art in its myriad and questionable forms should be PAID to be artists, in whatever manner they choose, on a par with those who are entrepreneurs and create businesses and jobs. No one person should be above another, and no one person should be paid or valued above another.
With the exception, of course, of Mr Obama and his political ilk.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
— George Orwell, the novel “Animal Farm,” (1945)
Ryan Lizza’s article in The New Yorker entitled THE SECOND TERM and featured on Hugh Hewitt will provide some revelations and insight. Please allow me to briefly summarize in my own words: reduction and appeasement:
Obama has an ambitious second-term agenda, which, at least in broad ways, his campaign is beginning to highlight. The President has said that the most important policy he could address in his second term is climate change, one of the few issues that he thinks could fundamentally improve the world decades from now. He also is concerned with containing nuclear proliferation. In April, 2009, in one of the most notable speeches of his Presidency, he said, in Prague, “I state clearly and with conviction America’s commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.” He conceded that the goal might not be achieved in his lifetime but promised to take “concrete steps,” including a new treaty with Russia to reduce nuclear weapons and ratification of the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty.
Ladies and gentlemen, I think you have a fairly decent grasp on the form of a second Obaka Term.
A term you have to do your best to destroy. If you care about America.
Check out this link and this link and this link. Because, with everything else, Mr Obama in a second term will have up to three SCOTUS appointments to recommend. For Life.
The US Constitution doesn’t guarantee positive rights, it guarantees negative rights! Please read and familiarize yourself with the Constitution from my post here:
POSITIVE vs NEGATIVE RIGHTS:Our current Constitution frames much of what we value in terms of what we cannot do.– The government cannot engage in unreasonable searches and seizures– It cannot inflict cruel and unusual punishmentAnd therefore, the individual has a right to NOT be subject to various items, and so forth.By our current Constitution, it does NOT “guarantee” so-called “rights” to such things as housing, clothing, food, jobs — rights that place upon the state to obtain the resources from other citizens to pay for them.Let me make this abundantly clear: “RIGHTS THAT PLACE UPON THE STATE TO OBTAIN THE RESOURCES FROM OTHER CITIZENS TO PAY FOR THEM.”Leftists wish to enable a solid “privileges or immunities clause” which becomes open-ended and — therefore — susceptible to specific ‘interpretation” by such pre-chosen federal judges!A “logical extension” might be to allow “privileges or immunities” to create new “rights” which could “guarantee” social or economic “equality.”If the law moves this way, then your possessions, my possessions, could and would be “redistributed” as seen fit by your government.Your “rights” will be parsed out, in dribs and drabs, by appointed berobed iconoclasts and Leftists.This will supplant “representative” decision-making and throw decisions onto those who are appointed and — therefore — completely immune from accountability or responsibility.Make no mistake: the purpose of Mr Obama’s will is to impose federal overarching positives upon each and every one of us; it isn’t about what may be limited; it is ALL about what might be expanded for us. Because we exist in one class: as voters who can be guilted and manipulated.We exist as a class to be subsumed and guilted and lied to and turned upside-down to shake out each and every penny we possess.
An Obama second term?
Do your best to ensure it doesn’t occur! VOTE!
I don’t want to even think about him winning a second term. But there is no ducking it, especially the SCOTUS reality.
Concur, what ever else VOTE!!!