Occupy Wall Street: Again, It’s The Fault Of EVIL JEWS

They completely control the government.”

The Evil Jews. Jews make money. Jews are greedy. Jews represent Capitalism and corporations. Jews control the purse strings. Jews make everyone dance to their money-grubbing tunes.

Now we have college-aged kids believing the Jews are responsible for all the ills of their world and the rest of the planet.

It’s clear that anti-Semitism is rising in the US. So are we starting a pogrom all over again?

And do we learn absolutely nothing from the past?


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9 thoughts on “Occupy Wall Street: Again, It’s The Fault Of EVIL JEWS

  1. It won’t be just the Jews once it gets rolling… These cretins want to kill ALL of us and then retire to their socialist, dope filled world where everything is handed to them…

    They are in for a hell of a surprise..

    And they are indicative of why you NEVER leave home without it… .40 minimum…

    .45 preferred… 🙂

  2. Let me tell you folks something you don’t want to hear… WE DID THIS TO OURSELVES. We the American people. We the working men and women from as far back as the 50’s did this. We have created this monster and we have a chance to right it. Al be it a very slim one.

    We decided that grants to college students shouldn’t be based on effort/skill and intelligence. We give it to folks based on the color of their skin. Then we allowed the curriculum to be emotionally based rather than factual. We allowed the teachers union to function as an indoctronation wing of the democrat party. We allowed folks to take welfare and make it a career. We allowed it by voting DEMOCRAT and NOT LEARNING HISTORY.

    We allowed it and now we see that any enemy of the above is the enemy of the state. Jews are as good of an enemy as any. They’ve been the enemy of many for as long as people have been on this rock.

    Why are jews the enemy? Because they have consistently succeeded because of hard work, understanding the value of a dollar and expecting others to do the same. Yeah them bastids…

    My kids have never seen a state/fed check come into our house so they have no clue how it works. The other side that’s all they know.

    When we break the cycle it’s going to get ugly. And I for one can’t wait for it. Bring it, lets take the pain now so my grandkids have a chance.

  3. What Bushwack said. I concur wholeheartedly.

    Jews are not loafers, they work hard and deserve to enjoy the fruits of their labor. We could all learn a thing or two from them.

    It’s hate and jealousy that consumes the motivates their enemies, nothing more, but it is a deadly mentality that caused millions of innocent Jews to be slaughtered.

    I make sure my children will never forget the atrocities of the Holocaust, because history has a nasty way of repeating itself.

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