HERE’S Your “Occupy Wall Street” Movement:

A black woman, Patricia McAllister, an employee of the Los Angeles Unified School District states her bigoted mind here:

I think that the Zionist Jews, who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve, which is not run by the federal government. . .they need to be run out of this country.”

But, of course, because she’s black, she can’t possibly be bigoted, yes?

Further, let’s examine just who somehow manages to “support” the Occupy Wall Street “movement” besides Barack Hussein Obaka:

The American Nazi Party;
– The Socialist Party USA;
– The Communist Party;
Hugo Chavez;

In my time, considering my extremely advanced years, those were called clues. At least to those who had half a brain remaining.

Plus, let’s not forget the obligatory “white male shitting on NYPD car with no arrest made during Occupy Wall Street” photograph:

Because, after all, to have made an arrest behind that would have subjected the officer to a completely dead career. And they knew it.


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10 thoughts on “HERE’S Your “Occupy Wall Street” Movement:

  1. I wonder if a “Employee” of the LAUSD happened to show up at a tea party rally and said something like Obama is acting like Hitler by using class warfare, would they keep their jobs?… Mmmm, doubtful since there were many stories during the Tea party marches about just those type things… Not a double standard just fact and our reality now.

  2. BZ… You need to de-stress a bit man… There is anti-police, dare I say, anger? in several of your posts and comments man… Maybe it’s time to pull the plug before you blow a gasket…

  3. Free speech. She stated her opinion. I’m not sure “Zionist Jew”, in itself, is anti Semitic.

    Yes, I’m being a contrary cuss but to make a point. Is dirty bitching the KKK being anti white? Is a black woman naming a specific group being racist?

  4. I have watched the Occupy Wall Street people, and it looks like Woodstock people all over again.
    Sewer people who are being paid to protest,
    Their interviews are telling.

    Also, the police force has been absolutely tolerant.
    Their orders must be to observe, report, no arrests or questioning, let them have a peaceful protest, and dis-band on their own.
    Thank Mayor Michael Bloomberg for this!
    Let the “taxpayers” pay for the clean-up and repairs.
    This is really hard on us old “thin blue line” retired types who wore sap gloves and carried a baton.
    I saw many infractions, all overlooked by the men in blue.

    Hope these events end soon so my reactions will calm back down.

    And BZ, you are just fine.
    Hang in there cause the upcoming officers you work with all need this guidance.

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