Ah, Islam, The Religion of Peace & Tolerance!

And where will Sharia Law be first instituted in the United States? Why, that would be the ridiculously-ignorant state of Minnesota:
You can possess and utilize the drug Khat, you can refuse to assimilate, you can demand Sharia, you can refuse to carry certain passengers in taxis, and you can refuse to ring up certain items in retail stores.
America: isn’t it great?
I’ll write it again: demography is prophecy.
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9 thoughts on “Ah, Islam, The Religion of Peace & Tolerance!

  1. The poor Germans living today will never outlive their past, something they had nothing to do with, when these types of comparisons are made, but……..

    This is all disgusting and it’s not going to change. That’s all.

    Golda Meir said that war with Palestinians will only stop when the Palestinians start loving their own children more than they hate the Jews.
    So far, no good.

  2. Z: it isn’t going to change no matter how much ignorant Westerners want it to. The battle has been fought for thousands of years and will continue to the death or the supremacy of Islam.

    NFO: but I’ll wager, in a few years, the infidels in Minnesota won’t much care for the way Islam is about to impact their lives. By then, the precedent will have been set. Then, further, let the SCOTUS become truly Leftist and this country will be GONE.


  3. Be careful BZ… If you speak out against ILLEGALS and Islam, the moonbats on the left and the self professed Neo-Con at Long Beach City College will label you a knuckle dragging, beer swilling, NASCAR loving, bog dwelling, simple minded, uneducated racist.

  4. “Assimilate or repatriate”. Muslims will do neither, so there is no solution to the problem short of mass deportation and immigration restriction–and that will never happen. So…KYPD.

  5. TF: then I suppose people REALLY won’t enjoy my NEXT post!

    WSF: yes, until it’s determined you’re not voting the “proper” way with the “proper” mindset.

    Bob Mack: quite true; we can try, but a good bulk of the country is about to be beyond saving, with the exception of a few isolated enclaves. Large population centers, however, are about to become totally uninhabitable by persons formally referred to as honest Americans who assimilate, obey our laws, are respectful and disciplined.


  6. BZ . . . I was born in the Minnesota of of long ago. It used to be a great state with it’s Golden Gophers, 1000 lakes, and one month of good weather every year. What happened to these people? Did they all take a moron pill?

    Muslims should be welcome if:
    (1) They visit and go home within 90 days. (2) They visit for 90 days and agree to become Americans within 90 more days or go back where they came from. (3) They want and qualify to become Americans, observe our traditions, learn english, obey our laws, and pay our taxes. (4) Agree that Sharia Law has no authority whatever either private or public.


  7. This absolutely ridiculous! Is this Pakistan or Jordan or is it America?!

    I am fed up with this tolerance crap for Muslims!

    Btw, I am going to borrow your video for my post, this goes great with it. I hope you don’t mind?

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