11 thoughts on “Where Are YOU?

  1. The concept of getting the government out of my bedroom, my wallet, my house, my lawn, and being willing to be offended by the scandalous behavior of others so long as they are prepared to be scandalized by me ends up with ‘Libertarian’.

    Its a very limited question choice… not one question concerning honor to one’s Nation, one’s family and oneself. That shifts things a bit away from the current form of Libertarian to something quite a bit other… but then Libertarians seem to have a problem with the concept of ‘honor’. You can’t have civil liberties without a civil society and you don’t get to that by your rights but by your self-restraint so that you can, actually, create a society that understands ‘honor’. It is one’s self-restraint so as to create society that creates the venue for the exercise of civil rights by creating a civil society. Not the other way around.

  2. Straight libertarian, which given the limited questions, surprises me not at all. I suspect where I might differ from other former Law Enforcement types is on the question of drug legalization. I still maintain that the problem is not really drug use…
    It’s the massive amounts of money involved that allow the Pablo Escobars and cartels to have as much influence on others as do some entire countries.
    Take the money out of it and most of the killing will come to a complete stop.

  3. I am right of “ATILLA” THE HUN.
    I say kill them all and let God sort them out.
    That was our standing orders from 1961 thru 1965 with the MACV-SOG.

    Wouldn’t be popular today,,,,,so I am a Constitutionalist.
    If that is a Libertarian, so be it. If that is a Conservative, so be it.

    This is what I believe, and hope others are the same.

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