Interesting Information:


  • Canada was the last non-U.S. holdout. Illegal aliens stopped getting citizenship for their babies in 2009.
  • Australia ‘s birthright citizenship requirements are much more stringent thanthose of H.R. 1868 and took effect in 2007.
    New Zealand repealed in 2006
  • Ireland repealed in 2005
  • France repealed in 1993
  • India repealed in 1987
  • United Kingdom repealed in 1983
  • Portugal repealed in 1981


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6 thoughts on “Interesting Information:

  1. We should have abandoned the *anchor babies* option long ago.. Won’t happen under Obama, didn’t happen under Bush, he loved him some *imports*, so, what does it take? A total turn of BOTH Houses and the Oval Office??

    If that’s what it takes, let it happen soon…

  2. Out of that list the only one not facing a solvency crisis is India.

    Also a quick thought: you do not get a birth certificate from the federal government but your State. The feds determine immigration and naturalization, the States determine citizenship by birth and should be able to set their own rules as naturalization only covers adults. I can imagine the howls from the Left if States started challenging this on federalist grounds. Fun would be had by a few…

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