So: What Was It?

That our NORAD indicates it has no idea of its existence is perchance even more frightening than the implications of the event itself.

Some have hypothesized that the launch, 35 miles off our sovereign west coast, may be the work of some kind of private rocketeer.

Customarily our military, when making a missile launch, initiates prior public notice. It provides, usually, notice of missile range testing or exercises.

No such announcement was made; further: flatly denied.

Was this the work of other nations operating off our shores? South Korea? China?

Anyone besides me think this is a rather oddly denied event?

Something very important, I suspect, is being hidden.

This is a huge, a massive security breach no matter what the US military officially says.

Your thoughts?


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15 thoughts on “So: What Was It?

  1. Did I read that there was a NOTAM issued for the area? If so, how are they explaining that?

    If it was a show of muscle, which I’ve heard floated, how stupid is that?

    Cowards flex their muscles, posture, and bluster. Competent leaders talk softly and take care of business.


  2. cj, no one is officially admitting ANYthing. I’ve not read or heard of any NOTAMs. That is an alert of which most people are ignorant.

    Of which I am yet aware.

    I can’t help but think that the US military, in their own jargon, “screwed the pooch” on this one.


  3. I checked out Michele Bachmann’s site and she, with Sarah Palin, posted the real skinny.

    This was a test of ordnance shipped by the Mexican drug cartels to the Latin Kings in preparation for the occupation of southern California.

    It is not clear this is a completely hostile takeover but the only thing holding it up is the question of the disposition of the state debt.

  4. ‘Screwed the Pooch’

    Indeed… And the silence, along with the incredibly strange attempts at explanation, are even more baffling…

    A *contrail*? Really?

    We’re supposed to buy the *contrail* in the afternoon sun and a mirage story?

    The Dem/Libs have been crying for years about contrails being government administered *chem-trails*, used to poison the minds of the people…

    It might have been, and the government thought that BS actually worked…

  5. A disclaimer, first: I am just throwing out the various things that are being said – I am not sure what I’m believing on it as of yet.

    That said, Michio Kaku, the theoretical physicist, was on Fox and Friends this a.m. At first he believed it was a missle but after looking at the film frame-by-frame, he now believes it was a plane. He had some pretty solid reasons as to why.

    The one thing about his argument that I found interesting was the fact that none of the planes in the area reported anything unusual. You think they would’ve if it had been a missle launch.

    Who knows.


  6. Aw com’on people… it was a frikkin airliner at altitude, what you saw was a long contrail, and sunset glare off the airplane that made it look like it was on ‘fire’… Also, in the close ups you can clearly see two wing vortices spreading the “exhaust” out…

  7. And there you have it, NFO weighs in with a logical point from a — here we go — flight officer. Credence there, muchly.

    Thank you sir.

    We can close the bomb bay doors now, I suppose.

    So tell me, NFO, was it a matter of perspective and angle?


  8. Exactly BZ, the aircraft was coming AT the camera at about FL 360, and note that it was NOT accelerating either… that gave the appearance of a ‘climb’… If that had been a rocket, you would have seen a constant flare from the exhaust, and a dramatic speed increase.

  9. When I saw this that day at work, I said, “Looks like Balloon Boy’s dad is at work again.”

    If it was just a jet, then why doesn’t the FAA just say it was tracked on their radar and release that information?

    I really do suspect it’s some homemade rocket/missle thing that attracted more attention than the builder expected. Reminded me of October Sky.

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