September 11th of 2001:

Is a day that will truly live in infamy.

I have only one response to proffer here at my rather opinionated blog:

1. Islam IS as Islam DOES.

I don’t think I can make my thoughts clearer than this, on the ninth anniversary of 9/11.


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11 thoughts on “September 11th of 2001:

  1. I am amazed that it’s still so very hard, nine years later.

    I still don’t understand how anyone can say America bears part of the blame.

    I can’t understand why anyone thinks you can reason with this sort of mindset.

    I can understand what it means to me, to you, BZ, and to others who get it.

    Never forget, never surrender, never give up.

    “Let’s roll.”


  2. Nice remembrance here BZ and I like to say and have today that I never forgive and that way I make sure I never forget. ;(

    Let’s make sure this never happens again and that starts in 51 DAYS folks

  3. I remember Mosab Yousef, the “Son of Hamas,” saying in ten years Islam will no longer be what it has been, because now Muslims understand that Islam does nothing for them. I pray he is right.

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