Milepost 154: Cross-Promotion

Most may not know that I am a railroad enthusiast.

I’m not interested in HO trains or model trains. I like the Real Deal.

Perhaps more specifically, I’m not so much interested in trains per se, as I am interested in locomotives. I’m in it mostly for the power.

Because, as I’ve said for years, there’s nothing like 15,000+ horsepower passing by you at 25 or 30 mph in Run 8 — where you can literally feel the power rattling your lungs.

In that vein, I should care to refer you to my Milepost 154 Train Blog.

Because I live less than a quarter mile from the original Transcontinental Railroad lines laid down in 1864 through the Sierra Nevada Mountains by the Central Pacific, I am interested in railroad history, the CP, the Southern Pacific and now, the Union Pacific.

I have, literally, thousands of photographs illustrating this line, and many hours of video from my Sony DCR-VX2000 MiniDV prosumer cam. And most recently, a Flip Slide. My blog documents the past and current Donner Pass over Union Pacific’s Roseville Subdivision

Thanks for checking out my hobby blog!


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10 thoughts on “Milepost 154: Cross-Promotion

  1. I’m sure you have visited the Sacramento, CA railroad museum.
    I visited it a long time ago and really enjoyed it.
    Also, I visited the Carson City, NV railroad museums and they still had an old roundhouse.
    Back in the ’80’s, I was in Reno/Sparks,NV when the last great locomotive was passing thru with a full load of passengers, heading to Sacramento to be retired. I stood directly next to the tracks in Sparks as it thundered through heading West.
    Sent shivers through me. I had steam sweat all over me. Outstanding.
    Laws,CA.,directly next to Bishop, CA. in the Laws museum, has a locomotive that they fire up periodically for events or movies. One of my old patrolmen,retired, Jim Morrow, is the museum caretaker there.
    Drop in, you would like this locomotive and it’s history.
    Hang in there pard, I’m with you.

  2. Thanks MrC — as I tell visitors, the Sacramento Railroad Museum is the ONLY redeeming exhibition available in Sacramento. The rest of the city is to be avoided completely as worthless.

    I’ve been a member of the CSRM for some years, and attend their functions. When I retire I’d like to become a doddering docent at the museum. I know a SHITLOAD of info about the Transcontinental Railroad.

    Because I live right next to it.

    Further, if you’ve experienced STEAM, then you know that those bastards are pretty much ALIVE.

    They huff and chuff and they actually sound like they are BREATHING.

    Am I not correct?

    Thanks for your support and your continued reading, sir.


  3. I knew I liked you. Anyone who likes trains has to be a good guy! I would love to spend money on On3 steamers, but other things take priority. Sigh.

    Added your train blog to my blogroll, where this blog has been for 6 months or so. Thanks for all the input!

  4. that top photo is SO beautiful.
    I love trains, too, but don’t know much about the real ones..
    I wish you were an enthusiast of collectible, small trains..we could really talk! 🙂

  5. Z: thank you so much for the compliment. That was taken in early morning light at what is called “Giant’s Gap.” In the 1860s passengers would be taken, via the Central Pacific, in exposed cars to this point where the steam train would stop, and paying customers could gaze down onto the Silver Fork of the American River in the American River Canyon, roughly 1,000 feet below.

    Letitia: yes, guilty, admittedly. But the techno knowledge I acquire from that blog I can apply in the future to this one. And thanks for commenting! I hope to edumacate folks on our American railroads. They are largely unseen and unappreciated. Especially our hard-working American railroad employees!


  6. Yes, the trains have been ignored for far too long. And they are much easier to travel on. As for the workers, yes they truly do work hard for the money. God bless them.

  7. Awesome BZ! I had a good friend who’s with the Lord now, died at 54, who was a train enthusiast. You’d have loved to spend hours chatting with him & he with you. There is a railroad museum near here in Spencer, NC too.
    You know the thing I like best about your train blog, BZ? Your picture!

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