Islam: Pissing In The Face Of Americans

Anyone with an inkling of intelligence is already aware that Islam intends to build a mosque in New York City, directly adjacent the WTC “ground zero” site. It intends to open this mosque, called the Cordoba House, on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 next year. Advocating the mosque is the Cordoba Initiative. Start there for an investigation of who and what is behind the push.

Here is the disgusting, defeatist aspect (from the New York Times): “City officials, including Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg; the City Council speaker, Christine C. Quinn; and the Manhattan borough president, Scott M. Stringer, have rallied behind the proposal. “

Those who object are considered as racists. Read all of Mark Williams’ posts here.

The man asks excellent questions of us, as Americans, that few people seem willing to hear, much less answer. Further, why are these questions asked by someone from the UK rather than from a much larger figure in the US media?

I suspect you all know the answer.

In the meantime, Islam fully well intends to stand over us in a dominant position and unleash a full bladder of urine directly into our collective faces. Then demand we ask politely and submissively for another expulsion.

Ah, Islam: the religion of peace, tolerance and understanding.


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5 thoughts on “Islam: Pissing In The Face Of Americans

  1. Love the title of this post!

    And Mr. AOW adds: “With some turds on occasion.”

    Condell asked if America is out of its mind. Looks that way to me — on the leadership level — when it comes to willful dhimmitude.

    I read this morning at Atlas Shrugs that the turnout yesterday for the protest against the mosque was better than expected. However, I predict that NYC’s leadership will let the desecration go on anyway.

    We must have a change in leadership (and in academia) if America is not to submit to Islam.

  2. AOW: I suspect the defeatists will win and Islam gets to urinate in our mouths once more. I hate to be so crude, but I can think of no other alliterative devices to describe the truth.


  3. I think you’re right, it’s going to occur. That does not mean, as you so rightly point out, that we ignore it. We either try to illuminate the wrongs in this country — as I believe you and I both attempt — or we sit by and watch her slowly die of assault from WITHIN.


  4. Trying to comment again, blogger has been down apparently.

    I have pictures of the protest yesterday and article by Fern Sidman.

    There are those who believe the mosque will be built no matter what, but we must stand up and protest anyway.

    Right Truth

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