Mexico Tried To Open Office In California To Provide ID For Illegals

In clear response to Arizona’s approved SB 1070 regarding illegal immigrants (from the Washington Examiner):

Mexico opens California office to provide ID for illegals

By: Sara A. Carter
National Security Correspondent
June 3, 2010

The Mexican government is opening a satellite consular office on Catalina Island — a small resort off the California coast with a history of drug smuggling and human trafficking — to provide the island’s illegal Mexican immigrants with identification cards, The Washington Examiner has learned.

The Mexican consular office in Los Angeles issued a flier, a copy of which was obtained by The Examiner, listing the Catalina Island Country Club as the location of its satellite office. It invites Mexicans to visit the office to obtain the identification, called matricular cards, by appointment.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican whose district includes Catalina Island, said handing out matricular cards will exacerbate an already dangerous situation.

“Handing out matricular cards to Mexicans who are not in this country legally is wrong no matter where it’s done,” he said. “But on Catalina it will do more damage. It’s a small island but there’s evidence it’s being used as a portal for illegals to access mainland California.”

Rohrabacher added, “If there were a large number of Americans illegally in Mexico and the U.S. consulate was making it easier for them to stay, Mexico would never permit it.”

But wait; because their plot was discovered, there is now a Plan B. Again, from the Washington Examiner:

Mexican government officials have moved their satellite consular office from the Catalina Island Country Club to a Catholic Church – citing protection under the Vienna Convention – after it was discovered that they did not have the appropriate paperwork to issue the island’s illegal immigrants identification cards.

Since The Washington Examiner reported that the management of the club, on the island of Catalina, discovered that the event was not a multi-cultural celebration as they had been told and refused to allow the Mexican government to set up shop.

The Mexican officials will provide “matricular” card services to Mexican nationals at St. Catherine’s Church, on the island.

If you personally think this may perhaps be a poor move by the Catholic church, you may register your displeasure with the St Catherine church itself, a parish of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Father Paul Siebenand is the Pastor. Parish office hours are Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The telephone number is (310) 510-0192.
So, not only does Mexico tell the United States that it’s bad to enforce immigration laws on the federal and state government books — at the same time possessing a much more onerous and Draconian system of immigrations laws of its own — but further officially assists to erode American laws by attempting an “end around” play with regard to matricular cards for Mexican nationals in our country.
Can things, ladies and gentlemen, get any more ridiculous and perverted than this?

I submit: yes, things can. Just wait. There’s more.


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8 thoughts on “Mexico Tried To Open Office In California To Provide ID For Illegals

  1. wow, and people think liberalism is the way to go. I’m glad (so far) that I live in a pretty right state. We have issues with illegal Cubans, Dominicans, and Haitians, but not to the extreme level Fornicalia has with Mexicans. The time has come to really crack down on this BZ. We need to preserve our way of life besides catering to the illegals. My grandfather came here from Ulster (Northern Ireland) and was proud to become an American. Now, the immigrants want to change our way of life, by going through the judicial system. Illegal means illegal BZ. What don’t they understand? Common sense is bye bye.

  2. Chris, I wish I knew what direction this was really going to move. I sense, however, some real storm clouds brewing on this and many other issues. We HAVE to SHOW UP in FULL FORCE in November!

    NFO: oh great, thanks, just because I LIVE here. . . !


  3. Thanks for postin this I missed it.

    I don’t know about you folks, but to me these are ‘acts of war’ I thought? WTF>

    I really think this may get nastily serious if these people take a couple more steps into our world I believe. It’s almost like de-elect every person in office to purge the traitors and then deal Obama.

  4. This is one of the biggest reasons we need John Eastman for At Gen. This type of stuff will STOP. Under Brown, this is par for the course. The at gen should be very involved in this travesty….

  5. Gah!

    Back in the day, Catalina Island was a great place to visit for a day (or more) out.

    Even more surreal: the Catalina Island Country Club as the location of its satellite office

    And, finally, something else to piss off any American who understands the meaning of “illegal”: Mexican government officials have moved their satellite consular office from the Catalina Island Country Club to a Catholic Church – citing protection under the Vienna Convention

  6. Bushwack: done and DONE. My wife and I, her being a newly converted Republican FROM a Demorat, both voted for Eastman. I’ve heard him speak on Hugh Hewitt many times.

    The Catholics, I think, need to be the recipients — at Catalina — of MANY phone calls, do you not surmise, to perhaps point out the error of their miscreant ways?


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