A seagull stole my GoPro!

As you can see, I’m tired of politics this weekend. I needed a break.


Now this is why GoPro cameras were made. For perspectives and places you otherwise wouldn’t have seen.

I have a GoPro 5 Black that the wife bought me, with some accessories and a beautiful case. But my mental fecudity apparently doesn’t cover sussing out this camera and, moreover, I can’t figure out where the hell people go to edit their material. Can anybody help? What software do you use?

While we’re on interesting flying birds videos, how about this classic? Can you imagine possessing the freedom and ability to do and see this?


Sorry folks, stream of consciousness, no politics.



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2 thoughts on “A seagull stole my GoPro!

  1. Amazing video.

    I have a drone and the video from that is amazing. Closest to being a bird I have experienced. Better than flying or gliding for me because you can fly so low.

    Always good to take a break from politics. I think it is unfortunate that politics are so polarized these days. Used to be able to debate issues, now it tends to too quickly result in name calling. Just because someone votes for a different party doesn’t make them less patriotic.

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