Again, how stupid is the electorate?

Plenty stupid.

Extra crispy stuipid, in fact.  Yes, these stegosaurs actually vote.  Or they could if they were interested, which is an even more frightening prospect.

Of course, support the repeal of the Bill of Rights.  Freedom is so outdated.  Mark Dice proves so and documents his San Diego pier foray on video.

What inveterate morons.  “We live in a different world now.”

We sure as hell do.



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10 thoughts on “Again, how stupid is the electorate?

  1. I could not even watch the whole thing. Do these people not understand what they are being asked? All they hear is hiLIARy clinton, and like Pavlov’s dogs, start drooling and agreeing to anything that they think hiLIARy is for.

    Was America always this full of ignorants? Has the number of low-info voters reached an all time high? It seems that people were more into politics, or at the very least, kept a mindful watch on what the govt wanted to do to them or for them.

    Sadly, it is this incredible number of idiots that have given us obama, and will continue to vote and vote like mindful drones doing as they are told.

    I wonder what they would say if the cops just arrested them for no reason, searched their house and car with no warrant or PC, seized their stuff, told them to shut up, and threw them in jail with no charges, no bail, and no court date. I bet they would realize what the Bill of Rights meant then.

    Sadly, we have become so spoiled, and think all of our rights are free that we have no idea that at one time, we did not have them. So many have lost an appreciation for what they have. Sadly, like the people in Russia when they cheerfully elected communists to run the country a hundred years ago, these people will not realize what they are pushing for, until they actually get it.

    Sadly, it is these ignorant jerkwads that are making decisions that are going to hurt those of us that are paying attention and trying to stop this madness. I will say this, when the day comes and the SHTF, I will give no quarter to these ignorant liberal shitheads. They can drop dead for all I care. At least I will be prepared somewhat. These idiots will not be able to cope. I suppose America needs a good cleansing and reset to set minds right again. However, that process has a lot of downside to it. What can you do?

    • The Bill of Rights no longer has meaning to the Average American, it appears — and the “Average American” has become nothing more than a preening, techno-held, coddled, T-ball playing pussified and metro’d ignoramus. Or perhaps I’m simply too harsh.


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