Ah, the understanding and non-racist views of blacks:

Spot The RacistBlack Student ‘Lynches’ Two White Guys, Calls It Art

by College Fix Staff on December 18, 2013

An African-American student at Sacramento State University is under fire for her recent work of art – which consisted of “lynching” two white men from a tree on the northern California campus.

The men were reportedly actors and were in no real danger during the project, which took place during the day in early December while students were on campus. The men were hung from a tree with a thick rope.

The senior responsible for the performance art, Christina Edwards, defended her project to Fox 40 News.

“The purpose of this performance was to bring to light social injustices and the issue of inequality that impacts me and my community as a whole,” Edwards said.

Edwards says she chose to illustrate this time in history by using race reversal, in an effort to shine new light on an old but standing matter. And says she followed all campus procedures.

The university doesn’t see it that way, however. University President Alexander Gonzalez released this statement saying, in part: “The university did not approve the display, and I want to assure everyone that I am working to address the multiple issues raised by this incident.”

Frankly, I think that all speaks for itself.



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3 thoughts on “Ah, the understanding and non-racist views of blacks:

  1. Haters gonna hate. I get real tired of only white people can be racist. Minorities holler publically that they want equality, then go home and teach their children racist doctrine. THAT is blatant hypocrisy. Getting rid of racism starts AT HOME, then in the community. People want to be treated equal, then act that way. Do your part starting at home to get rid of racism.
    On that note, I will say Tribalism is far worse than racism. For those that don’t know, look it up.

  2. Go watch the TV program “First 48”.
    It will “educate” you about the sheer stupidity,filth,ignorance,danger of the negro race today.
    I ‘worked” in it and it is the most dangerous place one could ever be in the USA.
    Go down to their part of any city and work or live there.
    Yeah, do that, and then come back and tell me about it.

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