“All This For A (Damn) Flag?”

Watch the video closely. It would appear that, during the nation’s 9/11 tribute, Michelle Obama leans to her left and asks Barack Hussein Obama: “All this for a (damn) flag?”

As the bagpipers played and the Honor Guard carefully folded the American flag, the First Lady asks that question of Mr Obama. In my opinion, she does so with contempt, disdain and arrogance.

Very carefully examine the look on her face.

Tim Roth as Cal Lightman of Lie To Me would have a proverbial field day. So would Dr Paul Ekman. The display she exhibits is vastly more profound than mere microexpressions. It’s quite overt, in my opinion. She shakes her head and knits her eyebrows; the vertical lines between her brows crease.

In response, Mr Obama turns to the right in order to acknowledge his wife, nods his head slightly a few times and, as he turns back, the ends of his mouth curl in a small smile. He is slightly less disdainful than his wife here. Yet he is not shocked nor surprised with her comment.

The secret is safe between them.

Except that it is not.

I present for you, ladies and gentlemen, our current sitting president and the First Lady.


This video may provide a slightly less-obstructed view:

Your thoughts?

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8 thoughts on ““All This For A (Damn) Flag?”

  1. Right on man! Gotta bring this back out because conservatives are being called racist fro some reason and all El Rushbo said was to correctly point out that NASCAR fans can sense Michelle’s “Uppity-ism”!

  2. My thoughts, you ask?
    The ugly bitch buforilla Moochelle should be removed from any official meets, groups, etc.

    Maybe something will happen, be brought out to our attention before the 2012 election that will remove this sitting president and his “jump over the broom” wife.
    Moochelle’s mother also lives in the “white” house, and she is a practicing voodoo mammy.
    She reads bones thrown on the floor.
    Maybe she can help her son-in-law Barak, if he ever gets a “boner”!

  3. The man is President.

    His wife is First Lady.

    He did not steal the election, or do anything illegal to get there.

    The American people put him there.

    Maybe they know something about 9/11 we have not been told.

    Look at this footage from a Presidential assassination:


    This video alone should compel Americans to demand some truthful answers.

    The Truth is very elusive.

    Many refuse to believe it even when it kicks them in the ass real hard.

    Vote this guy and his wife out next time.

    The next idiot is just as bad as any other.


  4. I am so disgusted with those two. They mock our flag, our nation and our military.

    They have completely dishonored and have disgraced the high positions that they hold.

    It is hard not to despise them, very hard.

    NASCAR fans were not fooled and I am proud of them.

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