11 thoughts on “An Oldie But Goodie

  1. BZ,
    This is good stuff and really educational too! Be polite, and don’t break the law. Secrets to a long and happy life. And the woman thing, I can’t count the number of crimes I solved listening to mad women. Great post and I’m still laughing. Much appreciated.

  2. Off topic….

    If I haven’t answered your question about Shelfari in a comment at my site, feel free to email me (see my sidebar). I’ll add that you might find the “bulk edit” option helpful.

  3. This is very funny, except the part about “ass kickin’s” by the cops..those will be a thing of the past soon. The way things are going perps will be Mirandizing the COPS soon…….every videoing of cops gone wild on some alleged criminal is pushing new cops out of the business and making a LOT of bad guys REAL rich.

    And you thought I’d stay on the “humorous” theme today, BZ, I’ll bet! SORRY, I’ve just been thinking lately how terrible it is for America that we have cops on video shown ALL OVER THE WORLD beating people up, and the CIA terror tactics being insulted BY US and shown ALL OVER THE WORLD, and our soldiers’ most minor infractions being shown ALL OVER THE WORLD….by AMERICANS…making America look the worst it could possibly look, just the way the left likes it.

    I guess I”m just not in the good mood you were trying to get to today. Sorry.

  4. The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~e.e. cummings
    If you’re not laughing daily, than you’re allowing the wrong things into your life, maybe it’s time to change.

  5. And you thought I’d stay on the “humorous” theme today, BZ, I’ll bet! SORRY, I’ve just been thinking lately how terrible it is for America that we have cops on video shown ALL OVER THE WORLD beating people up, and the CIA terror tactics being insulted BY US and shown ALL OVER THE WORLD, and our soldiers’ most minor infractions being shown ALL OVER THE WORLD….by AMERICANS…making America look the worst it could possibly look, just the way the left likes it.
    If you don’t want to look bad to others…..don’t do bad things.

  6. Chris Rock, he’s not a real strong conservative, but he sure hit this one home!

    I ran it a couple weeks ago with the following 1-liner:

    I guess Henry Lewis (aka Skip) Gates must have missed this little tidbit of very useful information. Maybe NObama could benefit from watching it also.

    It still holds true!

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