FIRST, let me state unequivocally up front, because I know this will alienate: I can’t hear the word “Cuba” and not hear the stilted Bastin lingo of perfumed Northeast Leftists mispronouncing the country. When I hear Boston, New York or New Jersey accents I can’t help but think of loud, overbearing and ill-educated public school masses queued up like herring up public transportation. My bad.
That said, here is just the beginning of Mr Obama’s Legacy:
Castro to Pocket 92% of Worker Salaries from Foreign Companies
by Frances Martel
Just one day before President Obama announced sweeping changes that would allow potential American investment in Cuba, the Cuban government apparently had begun preparing itself by announcing new measures that would allow Cubans who work for foreign companies to keep only 8% of their salaries.
In an official announcement in state newspaper Granma, government officials announced a system in which employees who work for corporations with foreign capital will be paid two Cuban Pesos for every Convertible Cuban Peso (CUC) the corporation actually pays them. The Convertible Peso (CUP) is almost exclusively for the use of tourists and is of significantly greater value; one CUC is the equivalent of an American dollar and the equivalent of 26.5 CUPs. The other 24 CUPs Cuban workers will not receive amount to 92% of their salaries.
Granma explains:
The payment will now be agreed to with businesses possessing foreign capital taking into consideration the salaries issued to workers in jobs of similar complexity in entities in the same area or sector of our geographic area, the salary scale that is applied in the country (as a reference point) and some additional payments for the corresponding law.
In other words, even if a foreign company has the means to pay more than a Cuban company, the worker will receive the same salary as if he were working for a Cuban company, and the government will pocket the rest.
Mr Obama may “feel” (and I use that word embracingly as a Leftist must necessarily do) as though he has actually notched an accomplishment for civil rights and the freedoms of workers everywhere, in fact Mr Obama has truly continued to push the governmental yoke of dependence upon the residents of Cubar whilst, simultaneously, enriching the coffers of its Communist Leaders.
Think about it: and isn’t that just precisely what Mr Obama wanted?
Is that what dems mean about eliminating income disparity?
I can’t help but wonder if this a prelude to giving Gitmo back to Cuba…
I think you may have hit that one on the head… HNIC wants to close it, what better way…
Native of NYC here. The only “bad” is the audacity of lumping NYers with Boston. PLEASE! When I first moved to the midwest, people told me “you talk with a funny accent”. I never could figure out why all the hostility exists in the rest of the country towards my hometown. I know these days, I do not recognize the city I grew up in during the “Taxi Driver”, “Godfather”, French Connection” era (’50s-’80s) . I do think the gay liberals have castrated and emasculated my once-tough city. I even find myself oddly distanced from my once-fanatical fan status of The Yankess (I lived right down the Major Deegan Expy.from there and enjoyed going there). So to close this out, I have a hard time defending or wanting to defend NYC anymore. I am ASHAMED after the mayor left so many officers out in the cold recently and did nothing to prevent the recent tragic events. I KNEW and and even lived NEXT DOOR to NYC Police officers. In my home town of The Bronx, the ONLY profession that was more hazardous than police in those days, were the firefighters. Thugs would torch abandoned buildings only so they could throw things from roofs or shoot at the firefighters. Being an officer or a firefighter is a job that takes a special breed of person. Courage and resolve. Those two qualities are all but gone from our world today in seemingly most of the populace.
Sorry I got off subject. Time will tell the actual INTENT and EXTENT of the administration’s move with Cuba – and in other areas. During the course of this year, Putin stopped there during his tour of the BRICS countries whilst working to undermine and devalue the US Dollar and negotiated with Cuba to reopen the old Soviet military bases there. Cuba is also supplying NKorea with military equipment. So how does what our president did, fit in with all of this and ironically on the day that Sony announced that they would pull the movie?
Just one Communist, Obama. doing another Communist, Castro, a favor so his regime gets the financial means to survive.