Atheist Pat Condell sees a binary choice for America

Pat Condell, love him or hate him, you’ll never be indifferent about him. That said, he nails our presidential choices and our future.

He asks, and rightly so: the American way, or the European way? I never in my wildest dreams could have imagined Pat Condell coming out for Donald Trump. But circumstances are in fact as I wrote: voting, this time around, is like your worst-case scenario of Russian Roulette. Except, with Hillary Clinton, you’re actually using a semi-automatic pistol. With Donald Trump you have some chances; you can at least spin the cylinder.

It really is that simple.

Let me also say something else.

Be forewarned, Democrats and GOP. No matter WHO wins, the electorate is going to tear you BOTH apart and start over.

You can take that one to the bank.



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15 thoughts on “Atheist Pat Condell sees a binary choice for America

  1. it’s an excellent video, i saw it the other day. my question for you, BZ, in all sincerity, is what does him being an atheist have to do with anything?

    • Because he’s an atheist who recognizes that the secularist Hillary Clinton and her secular supporters are actually more damaging than Trump, who has any number of religious believers behind him. It’s rather simple.


  2. The atheist is in denial of evidence. The agnostic is at least honest. The issue is always that if an individual is dishonest in one important aspect of their lives, should the be trusted in other subjects? In consideration of the ‘broken clock is correct twice a day’, the answer is a guarded yes.

  3. well, rick,

    first i wasn’t asking you as you didn’t post this with a big “Atheist” as the first word in the title.

    second, you seem to be an idiot studying to be a moron, but not studying hard enough.

  4. At this point, what difference does it really make?
    With either candidate we’re screwed.
    Servicing this debt is gonna take almost all incoming revenue SOON.

    And jtw…
    Be civil, or go away.

  5. @Greybeard

    that would be jlw and any incivility was on the part of rick.

    i’ll go away if BZ asks me to. the entire point of my question to him was to establish plans for civility at this site in the future.

    • We can all be civil here. You should see the comments I DON’T publish.

      But now you know why, in my mind, atheist was important. And in contravention of prevailing thought I know a few atheists who are conservative. They are not all Democrats or liberals.

      In my mind, the future of Western Civilizations trumps everything.


      • no, i still don’t know why atheist is important to this video, but it’s your kitchen. we’ll use your cookbook.

        i’m an atheist and i am somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun.

        “In my mind, the future of Western Civilizations trumps everything.”

        i completely agree and it starts with control of our borders.

        • JLW, I wish I could speak to you face to face in order to explain. Communicating by comment is cumbersome at best.


          • it is cumbersome, but as long as this blog isn’t about to veer off into an anti-atheist site, as many others have, i’m good.

            that was the concern that prompted my query.

            • The only atheists with which I disagree are those who wish to remove freedoms and choices, such as Michael Newdow.

              I don’t advocate against atheists if they don’t advocate against me. Pretty simple. I prefer freedom instead of proscription.


              • we have long since deviated from the original point.

                i can only say that i agree with you, but we find ourselves on opposite sides re: Newdow and who is removing freedoms and choice.

                let us move on.

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