Barack HUSSEIN Obama saved the American auto industry?

Mr Obama saved all of America from total collapse:

Jobs saved: billions and billions, like the number of McDonald’s hamburgers served.

With one slight glitch: the actual truth.

First: the Volt is a LIE.  To the point where Euro advertisements regarding the Volt have been taken down.  The Volt is NOT an “electric car.”  It will run, perhaps, from 25 to 50 miles on one charge.  From that point it relies upon a GASOLINE ENGINE to recharge its batteries.

That said, the Volt’s production was already suspended in March of this year.  It was suspended again in August.  Might a logical person ask: why?

Easy answer: it’s not selling.  It’s a LIE and American consumers smell a lie at a greater depth and distance than Detroit imagines.

Despite EVERY possible advantage CONTRIVED by the Obama Administration at the behest of YOUR American Taxpayer cash.  Otherwise known to Mr Obama as FREE MONEY.  Or Free Cheese.  Because, after all, his ideas cost him nothing.

Some TERRIBLY INconvenient bullet-point truths about GM:

  • $26.5 billion of the loss was a straight payoff to the Democrat-apparatchik United Auto Workers (UAW) union.
  • During the bankruptcy process, President Obama illegally paid off the UAW first and in full – before secured bondholders who should have been made whole before anyone else got a dime.  Which was incredibly disruptive and destructive of the entire bond market.  Economic uncertainty, anyone?
  • Meanwhile, President Obama cut the pensions of non-union GM-subsidiary Delphi’s employees by up to 70%.
  • President Obama illegally carried forward through the bankruptcy the ridiculously exorbitant UAW contracts.  Which were a hay-yuge contributing factor to GM going under in the first place – and are again, predictably, helping to wreck the bottom line.
  • Why has the stock tanked so precipitously?  Because GM is no longer a for-profit car company – it is a Leftist ideological entity.  To wit:
  • We the Taxpayers pay $7,500 per Volt sold in bribe money – I mean incentive.  And in President Obama’s latest unanimously rejected budget he wanted to up that to $10,000 per.

Again, the terribly inconVENient truth is that which is written by Michelle Malkin:

GM is once again flirting with bankruptcy despite massive government purchases propping up its sales figures. GM stock is rock-bottom. Losses continue to be revised in the wrong direction. According to the Detroit News, “the Treasury Department says in a new report the government expects to lose more than $25 billion on the $85 billion auto bailout. That’s 15 percent higher than its previous forecast.”

The claims that GM paid back its taxpayer-funded loans “in full” — a story peddled in campaign ads narrated by Hollywood actor Tom Hanks — were debunked by the Treasury Department’s TARP watchdog this summer. GM still owes nearly $30 billion of the $50 billion it received, and its lending arm still owes nearly $15 billion of the more than $17 billion it received. Bailout watchdog Mark Modica of the National Legal and Policy Center adds: “In addition to U.S. taxpayers anteing up, Canada put in over $10 billion, and GM was relieved of about $28 billion of bondholder obligations as UAW claims were protected. That’s an improvement of almost $90 billion to the balance sheet, and the company still lags the competition.”

Imagine the lies.  Imagine the sense of outright betrayal.  Check this.  And this.

Still and all, despite BILLIONS of YOUR American Taxpayer dollars, GM may go bankrupt again.

Then mix with psychotropic drugs and hallucinations and peyote and the DEM/MSM and the purples skies of Demorats and Socialists and the Religious Left.  Stir.  Then serve cold and with great emotion.  Emphasize the emotional part.  Because — absent facts — one is only left with but emotion.

Further: we have all forgotten about the dealerships purposely closed by the Obama takeover of the auto industry and that — of GM and Chrysler, the total effect on unemployment due to dealership closings was over 100,000 people.  Courtesy of your Mr Obama.

The dealerships closed were targeted as such because they were owned by Republicans with money.

How we so tend to forget the TRUTH.




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16 thoughts on “Barack HUSSEIN Obama saved the American auto industry?

  1. If I were to purchase a car manufactured by a US owned company today it would be a Ford product. Because of theway the Obama regime handeled the problems in the auto industry, will never purchase a GM or Chrysler product again. IMHO those companies should be boycotted as a way of sticking a finger in the eye of the UAW and the feds. Both companies should have been allowed to fail from the get go.

    • Minute: Most Ford employees are forced to give a lot of money yearly to Democratic Party fundraising organs against their will (the UAW).

      Buy a Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, or Kia instead. They employ more and more American workers at American factories… and these workers aren’t forced to give money to political parties against their will and interest.

  2. Minuteman26: first, thanks for visiting and thanks for taking the time to comment.

    I vote with my cash as well. I’ve not been a fan of Fords but, if I were to purchase domestic again, I would look very closely at Ford over GM, quite certainly.


  3. Sadly, the liberal mind absorbs this crap, digests it and thrives on the continued LIE that IS Barack Hussein Obama…

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste, and the Dems have wasted MILLIONS of them…

  4. TF, let me pull no punches here:

    It is SPECIFICALLY the Demorats who have KILLED hundreds of thousands of young black males, DOOMED black women and their children to poverty, ERADICATED the nuclear black family: father, mother, child —

    And doomed GENERATIONS of blacks to underclass and dependent status.

    The moment they began PAYING mothers to bear more children ABSENT fathers, the writing was on the wall. EVERY gunshot, EVERY death of a young black male, EVERY death of an INNOCENT —

    Is on the HEAD of EVERY Demorat who continues to support Free Cheese.

    Your hands drip BLOOD, Demorats.


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