5 thoughts on “Barack Hussein Obama’s VP Choice

  1. “Half Cocked Ranando Here”, LMAO.

    Obama will never be elected and no, I don’t support McCain.

    I just don’t care which one of these buffoons get elected, it doesn’t matter to me. Tell me how much in taxes I owe, where to pay them and when.

    When I see Arabs on my property, I’ll kill them. I may die in the process but I’ll die with a smile.

    Life is pretty good. I don’t live in a state I don’t like. I don’t work at a job I don’t like. I don’t live in a neighborhood I can’t stand and I don’t live my life thinking, “Some Day”.

    I really don’t care who these people running mates are going to be, I did but don’t anymore.

    IMO, I’ve seen the worst this country has ever had as a President, It’s all up hill from now.

    I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. There are only 4 things in life I know for sure, I’m going to die, I have to pay taxes, I’m going to be OK, and Dick Morris will be on Hannity & Colmes.

    IMO BZ, you have one of the best blogs on the net. Your always on it, agree with or not.

  2. America is the best, enjoys the most freedom, is blessed with great wealth, the best access to education, healthcare,etc. and thanks Ranando for reminding us. this country has historically been quite resilient despite past mistakes, and hopefully will continue to be.
    Biden gives plenty of ammo to the other side for negative ads, there piles of old Biden America-hating speeches that I think most americans, even liberal ones, would be turned off by.
    The shame is there is not much about McCain to be turned on by…

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