Bill Ayers: DENIED Emeritus Status at University of Illinois

This may not seem much to you and me, but being denied a “professor emeritus” status at a university, when you taught there for many years, is a huge, a massive slap in the face for the person so denied.

And as it is with William “Weather Underground” Ayers. So denied.

Oddly enough, it is from the son of Robert Kennedy — the Kennedy clan being of historically liberal bent — where said denial sourced.

From the Chicago Tribune:

In a very unusual move, University of Illinois trustees Thursday denied giving emeritus status to controversial retired professor William Ayers.

The vote, at a U. of I. board meeting in Urbana, was unanimous and came after a passionate speech by board chair Christopher Kennedy, who invoked the 1968 assassination of his father, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, in saying that he was voting his conscience.

The other trustees, without comment, also voted against the appointment.

What was it, perhaps, that seemed to convince the trustees to vote against William Ayers?

The information I shall now reveal is not revealed or directly sourced in our DEM. Christopher Kennedy, the son of Robert Kennedy, and U.I.C. board chair, wrote:

I am guided by my conscience and one which has been formed by a series of experiences,many of which have been shared with the people of our country and mark each of us in a profound way.

My own history is not a secret.

My life experiences inform my decision making as a trustee of the University.

In this case of emeritus status, I hope that I will act in a predictable fashion and that the people of Illinois and the faculty and staff of this great institution will understand my motives and my reasoning.

I intend to vote against conferring the honorific title of our University to a man whose body of work includes a book dedicated in part to the man who murdered my father, Robert F.Kennedy.

There is nothing more antithetical to the hopes for a university that is lively and yet civil, or to the hopes of our founding fathers for their great experiment of a self-governing people, than to permanently seal off debate with one’s opponents by killing them.

There can be no place in a democracy to celebrate political assassinations or to honor those who do so.

We are citizen trustees whose judgments should be predictable to the community that we serve, and I would ask anyone who challenges my judgment, “How could I do anything else?”

Seldom do I make such coarse judgments or statements, but I care to make one now because it is so astoundingly warranted:

Fuck you, William Ayers, you besotted Leftist bastard. This is your past, finally, just a tad bit, catching up to you.

Fuck you with a white-hot piece of rebar up your professorial non-emeritus ass.


But, of course, this is only my opinion.

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13 thoughts on “Bill Ayers: DENIED Emeritus Status at University of Illinois

  1. Jinksto: I’m sure that Ayers’s e-mail and physical address is in the public domain. Because he so trusts the American public. You know — the People for which he committed all those acts “in the name thereof.”



  2. BZ, there is nothing quite like a well-deserved steaming helping of invective regarding the comeuppance of a useless piece of human debris to start my day off right.
    May I assist you in the ceremonial lighting of the rebar blowtorch?

  3. Well said.

    And good for Christopher Kennedy for standing up and voting his conscience. Too many people are reluctant to do so these days.

    There is a tidal wave ready to sweep the nation of the dregs like Ayers… and I will be the first to cheer.


  4. I do believe good sir your use of the profane was quite timely…LMAO…Glad to know even those who may or may not be redneck bog dwelling hicks call em like they see em…

    Bill Ayers, he is denied here but yet granted unfettered access to the nations most powerful position. Does that concern anyone?

  5. Blo . . . I’ve got a match for the blowtorch!!!

    Beyond that, is anyone else curious how this guy got himself hired as a teacher? In Chicago?

    How many more mental midgets are on the faculty? Why?


  6. I have a real hard time heating up my re-bars with my acetylene/oxygen torch to the white hot stage. So, I’ll just have to settle with my bars only at the ORANGE hot with sparks a-flying stage before inserting 10 inches up his asshole.

    Mr.Ayers got away with his dastardly deeds, only due to a court technical issue.
    He truly should have spent 40 years in a maximum Federal Penitentiary.If he had,, most likely he would of been killed while incarcerated. Pity.

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