California Piglet Book

Paying money for dead tenants in the Berkeley housing authority? CA Metropolitan Water District in Hemet needs a Water Museum for $4 million dollars? $500 million dollars a year being stolen due to welfare fraud in California? It isn’t the spenders’ money so the spenders don’t give a damn.

Trees For a Green LA, $12 a tree, now $100 a tree, $63 labor costs to plant a $12 tree.

7 automated flushing toilets, $300,000 apiece and only 1 of them works, speaks in 8 languages. Most people know how to find a Taco Bell or gas station on the road.

The Federal government doesn’t have to balance its budget so it doesn’t care.

Orange County and San Diego Counties are in deep trouble as their books are in horrible order. Their bond ratings are in the tank.

The response is more revenue, not “more responsible and accountable spending.”

If businesses ran like governments, there would be no businesses.

Tom Schatz, Citizens Against Government Waste.

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