Charlie Rangel: A Demand To STEP DOWN

Charlie Rangel, current Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, is the focus of a demand from Representative Artur Davis (how sad to think your parents either forgot to insert the H or it was a “typo“) to step down from that Chairmanship for ethics violations.

And this from another BLACK DUDE.

Chuck: you either fall on your sword — or the Demorats will skewer you themselves in a fit of unusual pique. What that means is: your acts were more than egregious and more than they wish to politically cover.

Hey Chuck: can you sell shoes? I hear AT&T is looking for more reps. Can you push the icon for a cheeseburger at Mickey D’s?

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10 thoughts on “Charlie Rangel: A Demand To STEP DOWN

  1. Z: with DC’s politicians — you and I both know TWO things:

    1. They are set for LIFE and
    2. The rules that apply to you and me do NOT apply to THEM

    He will have a retirement and a pension plan and a healthcare system that shall remain absolutely UNaffected by whatever Mr Obama mandates.

    WSF: of course. Uh; yeah.

    bd: goodbye.


  2. “Bloviate away, but with facts, attributions and maturity. Personal and/or cheap shots adding nothing to the discussion shall be deleted.”

    ‘Nuff said.

  3. One can present facts to these jackoffs and they still won’t believe anything you say. How do liberals even survive in the real world? Liberalism is like having sex with your cousin: sure it seems good at the moment, but its still not right!

  4. See, any disagreement or pointing your your hypocrisy and you threaten to boot me and lob obscenity fill insults. Losers.

    You only have one point of view no matter what. That’s a shame. Being one dimensional is no way to go through life, boys.

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