Clash of Cultures: More “Cartoon” Rioting Deaths; The EU Begins To Make A Stand

In a continuing clash of cultures, the European Union finally appears to be understanding the breadth and depth of the problem that it collectively and individually advanced over the years and that, in order to survive, it must begin to craft a firm stance against violence and delineate accepted practices in its member countries — and acknowledge that “acceptance” and “tolerance” does not always = smart.

From the Associated Press:

Thousands rampaged through several cities in Pakistan’s worst violence against Prophet Muhammad caricatures, burning buildings housing a hotel, banks and a KFC, vandalizing a Citibank and breaking windows at a Holiday Inn and a Pizza Hut.

At least two people were killed Tuesday in Lahore, where intelligence officials suspected outlawed Islamic militant groups incited the violence to undermine President Gen. Pervez Musharraf’s U.S.-allied government.

Europeans Grow Some Vertebrae:

In southern Iraq, Basra’s provincial council demanded the withdrawal of Denmark’s 530-member military contingent from the region unless the Danish government apologizes for the cartoons – which it refuses to do, saying it has no influence over the media.

The president of the European Commission backed the Danish government’s refusal, saying freedom of speech cannot be compromised. “It’s better to publish too much than not to have freedom,” President Jose Manuel Barroso told Jyllands-Posten, the paper that first published the drawings.

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