Another clue to Leftists and Demorats and those media sycophants In The Tank for Leftists and Demorats:

CNN, on Monday, 10-11-10, registered the lowest ratings in ten years.

Talk about “crumbling infrastructure.”


The collapse that is occurring with Leftists and Demorats is not by chance; it is by strict design. It is a collapse that they have earned.

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9 thoughts on “CNN

  1. what makes it even better is that this is a crash that the libs (and cnn) brought on themselves!! there is/was no conservative, right-wing plot to destroy them – – they did it themselves…….

  2. So…ParkerSpitzer isn’t boosting ratings? Ted Turner once said CNN would be there at the end of the world to report it. He got lucky. In the early days they were all we had outside of the networks. Then Fox came along, but today, CNN has learned nothing. It’s obvious, because they have given their audience ParkerSpitzer.

    Absolutely, they did this to themselves.

  3. Is it even possible that this network will go off the air because it fails to make a profit?
    All socialists and communists demand that the government must pay the bills and keep this arrogant socialist tv station broadcasting.
    I say fark them.

  4. The NYT hasn’t made a profit in years, which is why a billionaire owner is so important! And a Mexican one, to boot…

    Now we get to see the old gatekeepers still at the gate. Too bad the wall has been taken down, isn’t it? Not much point in those gates.

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