Crimean P.M. mocks Obama in faked Russian uniform on Twitter

Obama in a Russian UniformFrom the

So the prime minister of Crimea has a sense of humor — and he unleashed it at the White House on Monday, sending out a mocking Photoshopped photograph of President Obama wearing a Russian military uniform.

And the accompanying translated text — take or leave a couple of pronouns — that’s attributed from Sergey Aksyonov, as reported by The Huffington Post: “Interestingly, after the success of the company in returning Crimea, Barack is getting the rank of colonel?”

And who said Russians have no sense of humor?



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5 thoughts on “Crimean P.M. mocks Obama in faked Russian uniform on Twitter

    • Judy, first: thank you for visiting, and thank you for taking the time to comment.

      And you make an excellent and learned point, bringing up Marshall Davis. You rock.


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