CTU President Karen Lewis laughs about lying to parents, turning students into ‘hostages’

Karen Lewis Chicago CommandantFrom EAGNews.org:

By Kyle Olson

NEW YORK – Why is our government education system so dysfunctional? Perhaps because parents often don’t get the truth and administrators and teachers are constantly fighting each other.

That much can be discerned from the words of Karen Lewis, president of the radical Chicago Teachers Union.

Lewis appeared before the New York Collective of Radical Educators (an appropriate audience, to be sure) March 16 to give the keynote address at the group’s annual conference.

Lewis reminisced about her teaching days, when she would lie to parents when it came time to discuss their child’s performance. She then said – because of her lies – the student became her “hostage” who would do what she wanted.

The YouTube video here and below:

That said, need I make any further comments?  Because, after all, I reference my links to Karen Lewis here.

Quite.  I suspected not.




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10 thoughts on “CTU President Karen Lewis laughs about lying to parents, turning students into ‘hostages’

  1. Pingback: Who is Violent – Left or Right? (657 Cases) | LEADING MALAYSIAN NEOCON

    • Hey, look at it this way, Karen Lewis will be the first to be denied healthcare under ObakaKare due to her weight.


  2. When “teachers” can come out and openly admit to this we are screwed. If I had a child and my only option was to send her to a school with this bitch in the faculty I would home school my kid. This is like you coming out and saying that you lied about who was at fault in a traffic accident and that you did it all the time. Different, but something that shouldn’t be tolerated in a “normal” society, which we are not.

  3. The IQ of several Chimpanzee’s in labs have the IQ of 96.
    The average IQ of African Americans is 85.
    The average IQ of Africans is 65.
    And there is nothing mankind can do about it.

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