Democrat Congressman Bob Etheridge, N.C., At Work In DC:

Courtesty of Breitbart TV:

Repugnant. Absolutely repugnant. What right does this man have to push people and physically attack people who ask questions?

By the way, here’s that same congressman telling young people, in 2007, that they should “get involved”:

Isn’t that what those young folks were trying to do?

Here’s what really happened:

The Democrats are tired and they are upset. And moreover, they are angry. This anger boiled out onto this young person who attempted to ask a general question about Mr Obama.

The Democrats are tired of the pounding by the public. They are tired at being fired upon by their own Hard, Hard Left factions and, of course, by Conservatives. They are tired at having to take heat from friction created by Mr Obama. And ultimately, they are tired of not only being second-guessed at every step but questioned by folks who have the temerity to not be the so-called “Mainstream Media” because, as you know, predominantly the MSM is their friend.

Why does he ask “who are you” over and over? Because he knows this is not a MSM team; they are too young. Seeing that, he believes they are not immediately “in the tank” for Democrats in general. And: he is paranoid.

Again: repugnant. You sir, should not only be ashamed, you should have a warrant written and executed for your arrest.


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17 thoughts on “Democrat Congressman Bob Etheridge, N.C., At Work In DC:

  1. I don’t know about the District of Columbia, but in my state that is at least an assault, if not a battery.

    Any word from the good, compassionate senators camp?

    There probably won’t be one until the video shows up on CNN.

  2. Capt: wait until tonight. If you don’t see it splattered all over the MSM, you’ll certainly see it covered on that HORRIBLE Fox News.

    1. No comments on his site.
    2. There SHOULD be a warrant for his arrest. I can only hope this crew went to the DC police for a report.


  3. Newest:


    For Immediate Release:

    Date: June 14, 2010

    Etheridge Statement on Viral Video

    (Washington, DC) – U.S. Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-Lillington) released the following statement on the viral video which appeared on the internet today:”I have seen the video posted on several blogs. I deeply and profoundly regret my reaction and I apologize to all involved. Throughout my many years of service to the people of North Carolina, I have always tried to treat people from all viewpoints with respect. No matter how intrusive and partisan our politics can become, this does not justify a poor response. I have and I will always work to promote a civil public discourse.”Rep. Bob Etheridge (NC-02)”


  4. How utterly pathetic, isn’t it?

    This clown assaults a kid on the street and then, because the video went viral, issues a rubber stamp apology and believes that’s it. Everything forgotten. I mean, he apologized, right?

    I’m sick to death of people like this. Who do they think they are? They work for us, damn it.

    November looms more and more important and we must get it right.


  5. Debbie: did you look closely at the video? It looks to me like Etheridge TOOK the phone from the hands of the student by force. I do not know if that was given back. In MY state that would be 211 PC, Robbery, the taking of the property of another by means of force or fear. That is a FELONY.


  6. I suspect congressman Etheridge’s polls in NC are not looking good, even if they are after this they will dip. Guys like Etheridge are finally seeing that support of Obama’s agenda is the kiss of death and are feeling the heat!

  7. BZ – you know dear, we are all not raving lunatics in NC. Furthermore, if you ever find yourself around these parts, let me know and I will invite you to a party! Thanks so much for reading and commenting on Abigail and Dolley. I am still writing my book and gardening, but appreciate your prompt the other week. I hope you have a blessed day!

  8. You know BZ we are not all raving lunatics in NC and if you ever find yourself in these parts, let me know and I will invite you to a party! Thanks so much for reading and commenting on Abigail and Dolley. I am still writing my book and gardening, but find myself thinking of my little blog. Thanks for your prompting a few weeks ago, I did post some original stuff. Have a blessed week!

  9. Dolley: the problem is relativism. California takes the hit for many problems. NC is a fraction of the size and influence of my state. When you have a moron of this stature, NC sticks out as ever more of a sore and idiotic thumb.


  10. There was a ridiculous opinion piece in the Charlotte Observer about how the congressman did nothing wrong & doesn’t even need to apologize! Unbelievable, but then, that’s the “Disturber.”

  11. If he likes pontificating and grabbing young boys, maybe that suggests a possible post-congressional career for him.

    He’s gonna need one…..

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