
1. True Patriots
2. Foot In Mouth Disease

1. True Patriots:

Originally at Texas Fred’s, this is a photo I believe all need to see — a photo that requires little, if any explanation:

Obama Osama doesn’t like wearing a flag lapel pin? Guess he doesn’t agree with respecting the national anthem, either.

2. Foot In Mouth Disease:

One reason why we have the fires in California is global warming,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told reporters Tuesday, stressing the need to pass the Democrats’ comprehensive energy package.

Moments later, when asked by a reporter if he really believed global warming caused the fires, he appeared to back away from his comments, saying there are many factors that contributed to the disaster.

Wait a day; another Demorat will ultimately find a more direct way to link these fires to the GOP. Mark my words.


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7 thoughts on “Demorats:

  1. People are saying that some are making too big a deal out of the fact that Obama didn’t put his hand over his heart during the pledge but I disagree.

    I still get tears in my eyes at times and take my pledge to the flag very personally. I really have to wonder at someone who has so little respect for his country that he could “forget” or just blow off putting his hand over his heart during the pledge.

    I never thought I could dislike a Democrat senate leader more than Tom Daschle but I was wrong, I hadn’t heard of Harry Reid yet. He is completely despicable!! Thats why I loved that Ebay cartoon that I posted of him on Sunday.

  2. LOL.. yeah global warming….. We here in San Diego have seen the Santa Ana winds come and go every single year for as long as time can be remembered. Take a couple of dry years, more people living here and more techology (ie phone poles and powerlines) and presto.. you’ve got fires. Not all that shocking .Reid is a douchebag.

    As for Osama, bleep him.

  3. So, you got around to that — nifty, isn’t it??

    Dee: speaking of Daschle, if I can find it, I’ll post the photo of him holding his left hand over his chest. And I believe that actions frequently trump words, particularly when dealing with unconscious movements. And if Obama was PURPOSELY making a statement, then he is LESS than a punk.


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