Fast & Furious: Some Insight

Just a bit of video insight as to the ramifications of BATFE’s “Fast & Furious” ops:

And, oddly enough, Congressman Darrell Issa (R – CA) “sticks to his guns” in re who knew what and when, directly attributing outright lies to AG Eric Holder (Thanks, TF!).
Thanks, MK, for the video!
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5 thoughts on “Fast & Furious: Some Insight

  1. Aint that the truth… IF you replace the ape with mexican druggies and the tribe with Obama, janet, holder and Biden… you got the exact replica of what happened.

  2. Oh sh_t!
    I’ve not laughed that hard in a long time. Damn that was funny!

    Now me, I’m running when he first begins to hand it to the monkey.
    I totally lost it after the first two got squeezed off and the fools were still sitting there!

    This video has a direct political correlation… I’m sure of it.

    The clip is empty and its time to take it away.

    The unfortunate difference is that we got hurt. Bad.

  3. The Attorney General should be fired immediately.
    However he has been a loyal negro working in the “justice dept” for over 15 years carrying the food and water to the demoratic politicians.
    Eric Holder is a confirmed “step and fetch it” employee for the demorats, and for this he will keep his job.
    The only thing that will stop these idiotic policies, is to vote Republican in November 2012, and the the winning Republican politicians can throw all these demoratic bums and socialist loyalists out in the street!
    This is the only way to get this USA back on track!!!

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