Finally: MSM (via MSNBC) Admits Socialism

During a very recent edition of “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, Lawrence O’Donnell admits he is clearly a Socialist.

As if we as Conservatives didn’t have the most minute molecule of supposition in terms of the general MSM . . .

Friday’s November 5th, HuffPo here.

O’Donnell, in a massive breeze of refreshing TRUTH, admitted:

(Blogger) Glenn (Greenwald), unlike you, I am not a Progressive. I am not a liberal who is so afraid of the word that I had to change my name to Progressive. Liberals amuse me. I am a Socialist. I live to the extreme Left, the extreme Left of you mere liberals, okay? However, I know this about my country. Liberals are 20 percent of the electorate. Conservatives are 41 percent of the electorate, okay?

You can sit there and pretend that liberals should run more liberal in Conservative districts. You love the loss of the Blue Dogs. The only way, the only way you have a chairman Barney Frank, there’s only one way, that’s by electing Blue Dogs. It’s the only way. That’s the only way you have a Speaker Pelosi.”

Thanks for the honesty, Lawrence. You’re therefore quite unique in that manner.

Isn’t honesty, for once, an actual puff of so-called “fresh air” indeed?


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9 thoughts on “Finally: MSM (via MSNBC) Admits Socialism

  1. BAA: and we need to keep PULLING.

    AOW: probably still admires them, I’d wager. . .

    TPSP: say, thanks for visiting, thanks for taking the time to comment, and please return! If indeed.

    NFO: many believe Obama is horribly MODERATE and doesn’t have a Leftist bone in his body. Yes, that’s a Left Thought, wouldn’t you surmise. . . ?

    Letitia: or the REAL Leftists and Socialists think it’s time to come out and make a CONCERTED push further Left.

    WSF: I’ll believe — well, you know when. . .


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