Flight 214 pilots’ names: viral video

KTVU Pilots NamesA video from TV station KTVU in the San Francisco bay area has gone viral, following a news broadcast which declared the names of the pilots involved in the crash of Flight 214 as:

– Sum Ting Wong
– Wi Tu Lo
– Ho Lee Fuk
– Bang Ding Ow

The brilliant part of the video is that not only did the on-air staff read the names in an entirely serious fashion, the station displayed the names on screen for numerous seconds.

Whereas I normally say that “you can’t write material like this” — apparently you can.

That is why God created editors.  Or in this case: not so much.


Now that I am at home, I can post the full video below:



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10 thoughts on “Flight 214 pilots’ names: viral video

  1. Since the station is in San Francisco I am not surprised this happened. Liberal brains just don’t work very well.

    • I’m sure their GOWPedness got in the way — they didn’t want to be “judgmental” of names that seemed too odd to them.

      And THAT’S how stupid GOWPs are.


  2. I’ll bet they had just 1 conservative working there that slipped that in as a joke and NONE of the libbers dared to doubt the authenticity of the names, or even noticed a probable problem. If I am correct, CONGRATULATIONS to the conservative that did it!!!

    • “NONE of the libbers dared to doubt the authenticity of the names, or even noticed a probable problem.”



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