Friday: The End of the Week

Look, I won’t pull any punches: this week has been an excursion into tempers, high blood pressure, meetings, clenched sphincters, fright, lies, political machinations, more meetings, backstabbing, even more meetings and sheer panic. I’ve still managed to post here on my political blog despite the fact that I’m faced with demotion or completely losing my supervisorial position at work — and losing my full-time staffers (consisting of four deputies) to layoffs, plus my part-time contingent of 43 instructors.

I’ve had to deal with my father’s estate, my brothers, lawyers, little critical roadblocks to the sale of my father’s house, niggling details, crisis phone calls, voicemails, delayed mail and bills, utility turnovers, and making the new purchasers of my Dad’s house happy. And some mistakes. And the realtor. The sale of my Dad’s house must go through.

I have 30+ years accrued time in seniority at work so I’ll at least “have a job.” There is no guarantee where I’ll work, of course. I could find myself back in Corrections, patting down drunks for change in their pockets at the Main Jail like I did when I was a rookie, but at least I’d have a job at a much reduced wage.

At my age, I guess you could summarize my general unease as “shitting bricks.”

On the other hand, as compared to the young bucks we’ve recently hired and whose positions are clearly down the toilet — at least I can count on paying bills.

Additionally, I will benefit from having minimized my debts to the point where I essentially write a check for my mortgage only. I pay off my credit card monthly and I have no carryover debt. My wife, however, is another issue entirely.

Suffice to say, I am one stressed Jesse. It’s tough to face something like this in your sixth decade on the planet. I’ve done everything right: my credit is pristine and flawless and I’ve labored long and hard to make that so. I’m a good citizen. I’ve done good work in my career. I’ve lived well within my means for years.

And still, you and me and everyone must realize:

Shit can still occur.


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18 thoughts on “Friday: The End of the Week

  1. I can empathize with you brother. It’s a warmed up can of shit on all fronts right now. Keep your faith in God and you’ll make it through the other side.

    How’s that saying go? When you’re going through Hell, Keep on going and you might get out before the devil even knows you’re there.

    On the other hand, on those days that he does catch up to you, give him a wink and spit in his eye. At least the pain let’s you know you’re alive. Give some back.

  2. Hang in there. At least you have a job. I am laid off for the second time this year. The arabs who bought the aircraft company I was working for in between layoffs decided it wasnt a good deal (I could have told them that) and are putting it up for sale. So all the contract engineers had to go.
    I will get by but I have never seen it so bad out there. Before if you were willing to travel to a position you could get a job but this time there are no jobs to travel to. I am too old and experienced for them to hire me for an entry position even tho Iwould take that right now.

  3. Man, BZ, you’re such a good guy; it’s very hard to see all this coming down on your head.
    I’ll be praying like your other friends here…xxx

  4. BZ, I’m so sorry that you are faced with all this. You are so right, after many years of service – then this happens! I agree with everyone here – 1) I’ll be praying for you and that’s a promise and 2) keep marching on, as Greywolf says, and you’ll come out on the other side.

    I’m optimistic about you and your situation because you are of great value and will continue to be, but I am not optimistic about our futures as a whole. I see storm clouds for many, many years ahead.

    Congratulations for being one of the few, probably, that got “lean” in time for it to make a difference.

  5. Thanks for your prayers folks.

    I received a voicemail today that my position and that of my troops is history.

    I guess that’s as official as I’ll get. I should be happy for it even being mentioned officially.

    I’ll land somewhere.

    I hope I’ll land upright.


  6. BZ, I just found out about this. I found the comment in my June 5th email, but I had a houseguest and big birthday party and was tied up for a few days.

    I am so sorry to hear that it turned out this way for you.

    So today these things happen by VOICEMAIL? I’ll be hoping and praying for some good news for you soon.

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